Anna: CCP Is Helping the Rogue States Such as Russia to Evade All the Sanctions at the Back

28 days ago

05/10/2024 Anna on Outside the Beltway: The panel of experts of UN Security Council’s North Korea sanctions committee was disbanded, it’s because Russia rejected the proposal to extend the panel’s term. It doesn't want to see North Korea getting sanctions and being investigated. The same with the CCP. CCP is helping the rogue states to evade all the sanctions at the back, such as Russia, North Korea and Iran. That's why it's very terrifying.
05/10/2024 喜安娜做客Outside the Beltway:联合国安理会朝鲜制裁委员会的专家小组被解散,这是因为俄罗斯拒绝延长该小组的任期。它不想看到朝鲜继续受到制裁和调查。中共也是一样。中共正在幕后帮助俄罗斯、朝鲜、伊朗等流氓国家规避制裁。这才是真正可怕之处。

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