DeSantis Needs To Make Gavin A New Poop Map: 2 LA County Beaches Closed… Massive Sewage Discharge

21 days ago

At the end of last November, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis had a debate with California Gov. Gavin Newsom. DeSantis' crowning moment and Newsom's end during that debate came when the Florida governor pulled out a San Francisco "poop map" to show just how great things are going in certain cities in Newsom's California: Ron DeSantis @RonDeSantis: “This is a map of San Francisco. There’s a lot of plots on that. You may be asking ‘what is that plotting?’ This is an app where they plot the human feces that are found on the streets of San Francisco. That is what has happened in one of the previous greatest cities this country has ever had.” -- Governor DeSantis is being alerted to another situation in Newsom's California that might require more of his map drawing skills: Public health officials have closed two Los Angeles County beaches due to a massive sewage discharge.

Seems DeSantis needs to make Gavin Newsom a new poop map. 💩🤣🤣 Does California need another 💩 map for beaches? #PoopMap -- Yes indeed, it looks (and smells) like DeSantis needs to give Newsom yet another map: Two Los Angeles County beaches are closed due to a massive sewage discharge on Thursday. The closure was caused by the release of around 14,400 gallons of untreated sewage into ocean waters, according to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. The affected beaches include: • Venice Beach – From Ballona Creek to one mile north • Dockweiler State Beach – From Ballona Creek to one mile south. People who enter the ocean during this time could become ill, especially children, the elderly or those who are immunocompromised. The sewage discharge began on May 8 and ended on May 9 at 12:09 p.m. This caused around 14,400 gallons of sewage to enter Ballona Creek. -- The only thing left for Newsom to do now is to figure out how he can blame that on DeSantis.

• More at: Twitchy - AGAIN!? Ron DeSantis 'Needs to Make Gavin Newsom a New Poop Map'
KTLA: 2 Los Angeles County beaches closed due to massive sewage discharge

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