Dead Doctors Don’t Lie – ALL Disease is Caused by Nutritional Deficiency – Dr. Joel Wallach

23 days ago

***This is a MUST SEE! At least read this description.

There is a reason the globalist want to take over and have regulatory control over the Nutritional Supplement Markets worldwide and limit the amount and the strengths of and modify the rules to allow numerous “fillers” to be added.

What you are about to learn, they do NOT want you to know. They have Agenda Objectives they must achieve with their Allopathic Medicines, especially those healthy jabs.

They don’t want you to know that there are parts of the world where people live a LONG time.

One of the many highlights in this is Li-Ching-Yun who reportedly lived to the age of 256.

He outlived 23 wives!

Li of Kaihsien, in the province of Szechwan, China was born in 1677 and died in 1933 at the age of 256 years. *Note: This was well documented as they began watching this guy at the age of 100 and the Chinese have the most accurate census records on this planet.

There are many other stories of Longevity and common diets, average caloric intakes in this presentation and they still had active Sex Lives AFTER the age of 100. This will NEVER happen with the children being jabbed today, they are being damaged for LIFE with the healthy jabs.

They don’t inject you with mRNA because you have an “mRNA Deficiency” and they don’t give you Fluoride because you have a “Fluoride Deficiency.”

Once you know this information you can connect the dots on how we should be very healthy in the age where we can receive best nutrition and you can see that it is our “healthcare” that is now causing disease.

When Dr. Joel Wallach began investigating the best way to educate people on the value of taking nutritional supplements, he looked at doctor's themselves. He assumed that they would be healthier than anyone else.

However, what he discovered, in an 1895 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association was that the average life of doctors was just 55 years. Anticipating this gap to be much closer today than 100 years ago, he researched it further.

What he found was that today, the gap is closer-but only by three years.

A veterinarian for thirty years, Dr Wallach worked as a research veterinary pathologist with the National Institute of Health (NIH) at Emory University. Having discovered and identified the first animal models for cystic fibrosis in monkeys, he found that he could reproduce their condition at will because it was caused by a nutritional deficiency.

His findings offered great promise for children suffering with the debilitating disease. The only problem he didn't anticipate was the reaction from the Institute. Within twenty-four hours after he made his findings public, he was fired.

The NIH wasn't interested in seeing their grants and other funding eliminated.

If you want one of best books out there on health, nutrition and living longer – Dead Doctors Don’t Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach is a must. You can download it free here →

About Dr. Joel Wallach:

After he was fired by the NIH for publishing his findings that all cases of Cystic Fibrosis was caused by Nutritional Deficiency and could be healed by Nutrition he made the decision to go to medical school so he could treat children for cystic fibrosis himself.

Realizing that traditional medical school was likely to be as negative as the NIH, he accepted an invitation to teach nutrition at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Oregon.

When he learned that he could be a primary care physician (which meant he could deliver babies, sew up chainsaw wounds, write prescriptions, and even get paid by insurance companies!) he decided to enroll as a full-time student.

Dr. Joel Wallach has been involved in biomedical research and clinical medicine for over forty years.

He received the B.S. degree in agriculture from the University of Missouri with a major in animal husbandry (nutrition) and a minor in field crops and soils. In addition, he has the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) from the University of Missouri. He has also earned the N.D. degree (naturopathic physician) from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

He has appeared frequently on network television and talk-radio programs as an expert on trace mineral and rare earth deficiency diseases. He is also the host of his own syndicated radio program.

He used to present 300 Nutritional Seminars a year and was Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "Health Consciousness."

Now that you understand how extremely important Nutrition is, you must understand that over 90% of these “Nutritional” Companies take major short cuts to save and make more money by adding in fillers and purchasing the very cheapest materials to produce nutritional supplements.

According to Anthony William – aka “Medical Medium” (who saved my ass and is the absolute ONLY health guy I totally, 100% trust) one of the only nutritional companies that does not take shortcuts and they have their products INDEPENDENTLY Tested is the company Vimergy.

That is where I personally purchase my nutritional products like L-lysine, Spirulina, Barley Grass Juice Powder, Wild Blueberry Power (along with Blueberry Juice from Wyman’s), Micro-C, Zinc, and Vitamin B-12.

Vimergy website is here →

**This is a Must Listen on how viruses spread by Anthony William – May 2024: If you want to learn how Viruses are truly Spread and how they truly begin and how they are manufactured (lab created – lab grown) to be “shotgun” viruses and how others are lab created to be stealth viruses – have a listen to this →



Dead Doctors Don’t Lie – Joel D. Wallach, B.S. D.V.M. N.D. --


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5/19/2024 – 6:00 PM

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