Illegal immigrants serving as UN-soldiers during pandemics?

19 days ago

This video is part of an interview Jim Ferguson did with John O'Looney.
"Exclusive Breaking: The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers.

"these are UN Soldiers and they will be deployed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when they announce the next Pandemic Lockdown"

The Black Watch a Scottish Infantry regiment based in Perth Scotland has been instructed to train illegal migrants to carry out crowd control and other measures to force compliance within the British population in the event of a civil uprising of the population against the government.

There are bird flu Avian influenza H5N1 vaccines being flown into the UK right now ready to be used on the British Public!

UK Businessman John O' Looney raises the alarm and says he has conclusive evidence that these UN soldiers are being trained by British forces who are being ordered to do so by globalist's infesting the British Government.

John has stated that he has surveillance and video evidence of what is going on along with detailed vehicle and registration numbers of the vehicles that are in use.

The details that are emerging suggest that British Forces will be sent abroad to fight Russia in Ukraine that will effectively leave no patriotic soldiers within Britain to protect the British population and that Illegal migrants will be issued Uniforms and given powers by the Globalists to Police, control and order the British people to stay at home and will have the powers to get physical and arrest anyone who does not comply.

This explains why Canada, The United States, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Europe are all facing the same plan by the Globalists.

These Illegal migrants have no loyalty to the host countries and will gleefully follow orders from the globalists to subjugate and control the people in our respective countries.

This is a betrayal of biblical proportions.

Its time to get prepared and its time to resist."

Excerpts from transcript:
-You've been speaking out about something else that seems to be growing exponentially every day, and that is the mass illegal immigration that's going on in England, in Wales, in Scotland and over in Ireland as well. I mean, it is quite literally off the charts.
A lot of people are saying, "Look, this isn't normal. There's something not right. This isn't just refugees coming in." These aren't people fleeing from some kind of war zone. These are predominantly men aged between 25 and 35, young fighting age men, as my old boss Nigel Farage once referred to them and I think he's right.
-These are UN soldiers and they will be deployed by the WHO when they announced the next pandemic Lockdown. That's what's going to happen. They've been trained by British soldiers. They've been been trained by the Black Watch Regiment (Scotland)
They were training them in Antalya in Turkey and in the east of Ukraine. They're predominantly down to sergeant ranks. They're then shipped to France. They all sign the Official Secrets Act, then they're ferried over. The idea of them being ferried over is they're lost at sea. So they have to be under international law, saved from being lost at sea. That's why they take the route they do.
The boats are housed in a home office compound and then they're shipped back to France on two british haulage firm lorries. And I can supply you the details of the reg numbers. Two plain, unsigned written lorries. The outboard motors are strapped in pallets. They go on one lorry, the boats go onto the other lorry, and they're sent back to France for reuse. There's a guy down there, ex military, he's been using drones and surveillance on them for a long time He sent me loads of footage of it actually happening.
-Just to recap. You've got evidence that these boats that are coming in. They're only doing that to meet some kind of or pass through underneath some kind of radar, in terms of legislation.
-If you're lost at sea, they're obliged to save you. That's the idea of them coming over in small rubber boats as they're lost at sea. That's the maritime law.
-So you're saying that these are not normal illegal matters.
-If you think about it logically and kind of base it on a common sense approach, if you were fleeing war and tyranny, I don't know about you, but I would certainly take my wife and children with me. They're most precious. They're my prized asset. They're everything to me.
If you're going to war, you go to war with the lads. These young men are coming over. They going to be deployed. They will be deployed and people will see then. I don't doubt there'll still be some Muppets that will stand on their doorsteps banging pots and pans thanking these young men for helping us, because initially they'll be deployed in what's perceived or conveyed as a humanitarian role.
-I'm going to tell you something. I nearly fell off my chair when I interviewed this young man. His name is Niall McConnell. He's an Irish political candidate. And I had an interview with him a couple of days ago and he was telling me, and I'd been aware of this, that these illegal migrants are being recruited for police. They're illegal, right? But they're going to be given the position of police officers in Ireland to police Irish people.
-And to vote as well!
-And to vote! That's what nearly made me fell off my chair, because he said, "They just have to prove that they've been living there in any capacity - could be a tent - for the last six months. They will then be allowed to stand in the elections and become elected.
-Illegal migrants! -You've got people like Sinn Fein facilitating that. You know what happened to Sinn Fein.
-A lot of people in America, they still don't haven't woken up to this yet. At one time, Sinn Fein was seen as the political arm of the IRA. They were fighting for irish republican. They were fighting for Ireland and now they're destroying Ireland.They are captivated and infiltrated by the globalists. Sinn Fein of Ireland are now under the direction of the globalists in the EU. They're completely selling out their own country.
I'm a scottish Highlander, right. I love the english people, but there is a lot of people in the SNP (Scottish National Party) that seem to have very questionable views about that. But I'll tell you what's even more questionable is they grow on a bit independence. Well, they're just like Sinn Fein. They don't want true independence. I respect people that want true independence. I fought for british independence from the EU. I was happy and proud to do that. But they're pretending to be nationalists. They're not! They are right in bed with the globalists in the EU as well. But this is terrible! How many illegal migrants do you think, is in the UK at the moment?
-I dread to think. I wouldn't be able to count. I deliberately don't follow mainstream news because for me, it's just a puppet show. It's theatre
-Here's the thing. The government don't know. They say they don't know either because they're not tracking it. What? So, are we talking about our police and our military are actually going along with this? You say you spoke to people in the Black Watch. The Black Watch are very famous regiment. Are they actually going along with this?
-They've got no choice. Well, I said, Why are you doing it? He said, "Soldiers follow orders."
- Even to the destruction of their own people and their own country.
-So there's a recruitment process that takes place in any military, and there's no right or wrong answer. What they'll do is they'll get a candidate in, they'll say, "Listen, if I gave you an order to kill your comrade, would you do it?" There's no right or wrong answer. Some of them say, "Oh, no, of course I wouldn't any good lad." They go one way, and then you'll get one of the others that will go, "Yeah, I do whatever you told me." "Good lad." It's a grooming process for the most psychotic people. What would it take to do that? Money, fear, and the promise of a seat for you and your loved ones on the ark. Why would people do that? There's no other reason. It can only be money or fear or the promise of a seat for you and your loved ones.

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