APA articles, Reading/Commentary 2019-06 "The Sino-American Quarrel Will Never End" Unlisted Video

27 days ago

Alright so due to my stay at an APA Hotel in Japan, I became aware of the essayist Seiji Fuji whom also apparently is the CEO of the hotel chain. Figured I would record my reading the English, while also giving commentary.

A link used in the video: https://en.apa-appletown.com/2019/06/the-sino-american-quarrel-will-never-end/ . You can find the Japanese version, if it exists.

Somethings were fleshed out more on this article after being introduced in the prior month's article to this back in 2019. There's very big flaws in geopolitical thinking which, I mean, okay; it kind of shows the beginning of a Japanese patriotic worldview, I guess, so it's not anything but just cute to have noticed. ... The constitutional revision thing is still silly since the Nuclear Power Regulation Board of Japan isn't in the Constitution, like the Atomic Energy whatnot of America in the American Constitution; as such, is it really that important to include the JSDF into the Japanese Constitution? The LDP is "merely proposing" one "simple change" which is likely to open up the door to a change to the constitution every five months until no one even remembers that there was a constitution since it will be changed 100,1000,10000 times in 20 years. And the North Korean discussion was absolutely silly: South Korea already menaces Japan without China or North Korea asking them to do so.

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