US high tech sanctions against China failed miserably

19 days ago

Video: US high tech sanctions failed miserably, Huawei's Pura-70 is nearly "a symbol of self-sufficiency": teardown reveals more Chinese-built parts 美國高科技制裁中國慘敗,華為Pura-70近乎「自給自足的象徵」:拆解發現更多中國製造零件

An expert teardown of Huawei's Pura-70 reveals even more key components built by Mainland China suppliers.

It revealed big strides in flash memory, provided by Huawei's in-house unit, HiSilicon. The wafer design is novel, and also suggests a new, previously unknown domestic supplier.

Other Chinese-sourced parts include audio amplifier and LED flash driver. HiSilicon also contributed the Wifi and Bluetooth systems, and the power management chips.

對華為 Pura-70 的專家拆解揭示了更多由中國大陸供應商製造的關鍵零件。

它揭示了華為內部部門海思提供的快閃記憶體技術的巨大進步。 晶圓設計很新穎,也暗示了一個新的、以前不為人知的國內供應商。

其他來自中國的部件包括音頻放大器和 LED 閃光燈驅動器。 海思也貢獻了Wifi和藍牙系統以及電源管理晶片

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