Article 4812 Video - International Public Notice: Venom, Venom, Everywhere By Anna Von Reitz

23 days ago

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Article 4812 Video - International Public Notice: Venom, Venom, Everywhere - Sunday, May 12, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We have a reptile brain and nerve centers.

Some of us have fish brains, some have turtle brains, some have snake brains, some have lizard brains, and some of us, a few, have amphibian brains derived from an ancient ancestor of the Axolotl.

Reptile components run all the complex machinery of the autonomic system that runs continuously in the background of our biology, faithfully prompting our heart to beat, our lungs to breathe, our cells to inhale food and exhale debris, our intestines to digest, our glands to secrete.

This is a huge debt. It is not only the gift of life, it is also the necessary "given" needed to support individual consciousness, which glides along on top of this complex interactive biological masterpiece.

The fact that we have physical bodies and that they work as well as they do, is owed to reptiles.

This is reflected in the Ancient Hindu Culture by the Nagas, serpent-headed teacher-shamans, who founded the world and imparted all the practical skills needed to run it.

Closer to home, it's reflected by the tiny scales that make up our skin, clearly visible under high magnification.

Now, consider, what portion of the ecosystem worldwide has been most damaged and what part of the Animal Kingdom has suffered the most extinction?

The reptiles and amphibians all across the board have suffered the most, along with the birds, their closest relatives.

It makes sense that we are being attacked using snake venom and other venoms derived from reptiles; we genocided them, when we owe our own biology to them, so now, they are returning the favor.

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