Woman On Inner Tube Takes Hard Flip At Bottom Of Hill

6 years ago

When I was a kid if you wanted to sled down a hill on an inner tube you just used whatever one you had that you would normally use in a pool or for floating a river. In recent years stores have started selling what they call snow tubes. Inflatable sleds come in all kinds of crazy configurations from hotdog shapes and rafts to the standard inner tubes. We even saw one that looked like jet ski, which seemed a little bit weird. It’s a whole industry we didn’t even know existed, since we were so used to traditional sleds and toboggans.

What makes the inner tube sled particularly fun and reckless is that they are not really controllable. Your traditional toboggan or sled has a little more control. You can steer them a bit. Most people don’t and just let the sled take them where it will, but it is capable if you want to do so. The inner tube sled doesn’t offer that in anyway. The handles are just there for you to hang on for the ride. Of course, that means that your wrecks are going to be pretty spectacular.

The woman in this video seems nervous for her ride before she even gets started, but she gives it a go. There is a bit of a path for her inner tube sled to take that it appears other sleds have already taken. However, when the woman hits the bottom of the hill and the end of the path she has nowhere else to go. The sled hits a ridge of snow that launches her up just enough for the sled to turn over in the air. Hilariously, she ends up head down in the snow.

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