🚨Breaking News: Texas court case PROVES that you can vote WITHOUT a Photo ID in Texas.

25 days ago

🚨Breaking News: Texas court case PROVES that you can vote WITHOUT a Photo ID in Texas. A utility bill and a Reasonable Impediment Declaration form is all you need. Spread the word!!
“The court holds that the true outcome (of the election) cannot be determined.” The Judge Ordered Redo of Harris County Judicial Election Decided by 449 Votes.

How many of these were cast with no ID?

Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson is lying when she says an Photo ID is required to vote. Please help us put pressure by resharing this everywhere.

We demand a secure election!!

From Texas Scorecard:
"Following a bench trial in April, Peeples found that a total of 1,751 votes in the race should not have been counted, including nearly a thousand illegal votes cast by voters who resided outside of Harris County and more than four hundred cast by voters with no photo ID and incomplete “reasonable impediment” forms."

So the forms that were filled out incorrectly were kicked out? How many were not?

Where is Ken Paxton? Where is Greg Abbott?? Why are they lying to Texas and to the American People??

We have no election integrity in Texas.

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