Largest Japanese rally in past 70 years – and system-media is silent!

21 days ago

A large demonstration took place in Tokyo on April 13, 2024 with more than 20,000 people – just at the same time Kla.TV’s international wake-up call “WHO plans insidious coup in 194 countries!” went on-air.

Citizens from all over Japan marched against the WHO’s pandemic treaty and the revision of the International Health Regulations (IHR), and to demand an end to the dangerous vaccinations. The rally was one of the largest in the past seventy years. 90% of the participants were attending a demonstration for the first time.

Despite this historic event, none of the five major Japanese newspapers, including the Yomiuri and Nikkei, reported on the demonstration. All Japanese television stations were silent. Jiji Press was the only major Japanese media outlet to mention the demonstration in a very brief report in the evening at 19:52. And this despite the fact that the demonstration had already reached a historic appearance when it began at 14:00 in the afternoon.

Therefore, Kla.TV would like to pay due attention to this event and all its participants.

The demonstration was organized by the „Citizen’s Association against the Pandemic Treaty“ chaired by Kazuo Sato. It was supported by the World Council For Health Japan, chaired by Atsuo Yanagisawa. The World Council For Health (WCH) Japan had already informed the population prior to this event about the dangers of the Covid19 vaccinations. The members of WCH Japan were also part of the demonstration.

Doctors from the “Volunteer Medical Association” also joined the demonstration. This is an association of more than 700 physicians from Japan demanding an immediate stop to the Covid19 vaccinations.

The demonstration started with a full 2-hours of speeches given by various speakers on the dangers of mRNA vaccinations. Among them were important personalities such as: the physician Dr. Masayasu Inoue, author of the book “Why am I risking my life as a physician calling for withdrawal from the WHO?”, Japan’s best-known historian Hayashi Chikatsu, the immunologist Professor Yasufumi Murakami, a member of the Hino City Council, Ms. Toshie Ikeda, and the representative of the Sakura channel, Satoru Mizushima were among the speakers.

At the demonstration, they joined in with the local population calling for:

• “Opposition to the amendments to the IHR and the pandemic treaty”
• The government should disclose information on the Pandemic Treaty and IHR to the public!
• Do not forgive the tyranny of the WHO that has taken our health hostage!
• We do not tolerate human rights abuses by the WHO international health organization!
• The government should abolish harmful and useless genetic vaccines!
• The mainstream media should report on the dramatic increase in excess deaths after vaccination!
• Don‘t forgive Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Keizo Takemi who induces profits to medical associations through vaccines!
• Don‘t give them the genetic influenza vaccine!
• Stop the development of dangerous self-amplifying mRNA vaccines!
• We strongly protest against the WHO, which ignores Japan‘s sovereignty and forces people to get vaccinated!
• Protect people’s lives! Withdraw from the WHO!!!
• „Association of Volunteer Doctors of Tohoku“
• The DS [Deep State] should not control Japan!
• Opposition to the Pandemic Treaty, the revision of the IHR
• NO Plandemic
• Start today, 17 ways to detoxify the corona vaccine, by Masayasu Inoue
• Open your eyes, the media lies, Fauci lies
• [Minister of Health Keizo] Takemi lies.
• [Foreign Minister Yoko] Kamikawa lies. Wake up.
• We don‘t need the WHO
• ワクチン強制反対
Anti Mandate
• Absolute opposition to the WHO pandemic treaty
• Withdrawal from the WHO!!
• Locals only, No WHO
• NO MORE mRNA vaccine! The Japanese are not WHO guinea pigs!
• Absolute opposition to the pandemic treaty, the revision of the IHR, the WHO’s compulsory medical treatment
• Opposition to the pandemic treaty, the reform of the IHR!!
• Absolute opposition to the revision of the IHR and the pandemic treaty!
• Do not tolerate totalitarianism in the name of public health!

Organizing chairman Kazuo Sato said: ‘More than 10,000 people took part.’ This is the first time I have seen a rally with so many people. I think the reason why more than 10,000 people came together, which was more than expected, is because the injuries caused by the vaccines have widely been reported. Everything that wasn’t communicated through major media outlets was spread all the more through social media like YouTube, LINE, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc.

I think that these factors, together with the explosion of anger at the one-sided reporting of the media and the government, and the spread of human rights violations such as forced vaccinations via the pandemic treaty, have led to this mass mobilization."

On March 22, 2024, the physician Dr. Masayasu Inoue, one of the key players in the event, gave a remarkable speech. Watch some excerpts from his worldwide video call in the following:
„My name is Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School. My specialty is Molecular Pathology and Medicine. The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world.“
„I believe that the fraudulent use of experimental gene therapy to healthy people, particularly to healthy children is an extreme violation of human rights. However Keizo Takemi, Japanese Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare has been insisting that there is no serious concern about the injury caused by genetic vaccines. And without learning of the current situation of the injured patients, they plan to construct a new vaccine production system, in preparation for the next pandemic“.
[…] “they are trying to shorten the vaccine business cycle by developing a vaccine in hundred days. This is possible only by ignoring the human rights perspective. Amendments to the WHO: International Health Regulation (IHR) and the so called Pandemic Treaty, which are about to be adopted at the 77th World Health assembly this year, are attempting to give rationality and legal binding force to such unscientific and dangerous crazy plans.“
„If we tell the truth about vaccines on YouTube, it is deleted within a day. The reality is that we are facing censorship and speech suppression almost every day.“
[…] “in order to protect human rights in cases of control that transcend national boundaries. I believe that sharing the truth between all countries is so important and that this is a step towards unity and solidarity. Only through the process of information exchange between all countries in the world, we can find hope in the midst of despair. I do hope that my statement will help all of you to protect your healthy life and your family. Thank you very much for your attention.“

from sbo./ts.
International Wake-Up Call: WHO plans insidious coup in 194 countries!

It was one of the largest demonstrations in 70 years

Despite this historic demonstration large newspapers or television in Japan did not report about it

Organiser of the demonstration was the „Association of citizens against the pandemic treaty“ with the help of the World Council For Health Japan

World Council For Health Japan
Introducing WCH Japan min 16:30

Mr. Atsuo Yanagisawa is Chairman of the steering committee of WCH Japan

WCHJ presents leaflets for the population to inform about the risks of mRNA-vaccines.

Volunteer Medical Association

723 physicians and 866 people holding professions in the health sector demand an immediate STOP for the administration of Covid19-vaccinations. (as of 1st April 2024)

Start of the demonstration: 2-hours with various speakers on the dangers of mRNA-vaccines

Video with Live-Impressions on the demonstration in Tokio from 13 April 2024 against the pandemic treaty and the amendments to the IHR

Large rally in Japan against the pandemic treaty of WHO

Statment by Kazuo Sato, Chairman of Japanese „Association of Citizens against the Pandemic Treaty“ and organiser of the rally

Worldwide video call by doctor Dr. Masayasu Inoue

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