The MOST UNEXPECTED Revelation About Prayer and Heaven!

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2 Corinthians 5:6-8 You are more than a body with a brain. You are a spirit being in a body.

Philippians 1:20-24 Paul knew he was a spirit that, at death, would leaven his body and go to heaven to be with the Lord Who is physically in heaven. (Paul chose his time to die, not God. God doesn't have a set time for you to die; it's up to you.)

Romans 8:30 Your spirit has been glorified with the glory of Christ.

Colossians 1:26 Christ is in you with all of His glorious splendor.

Luke 9:28 when Christ prayed, His body would shine like the sun and His face would be altered.

Romans 12:2 We are told by the Holy Spirit to learn to be transfigured by the renewing of our minds so that we may "prove" ie. demonstrate or exhibit as evidence the good, pleasing and perfect will of God.

Acts 2:29-33 When Jesus went back to heaven after the 40 days with his disciples, He received the Holy Spirit as the first man born from spiritual death. Jesus was the first man to be born again and recreated in His spirit. When He received the Holy Spirit as a man, in heaven, the believers in the upper room received the Holy Spirit on earth. When the Head of the body received the Holy Spirit, the body of Christ simultaneously received the Holy Spirit. There is no seperation between heaven and earth in Christ. What Christ, the Head is, we, the body are.

When we pray in our prayer tongue, we are praying the mind of Christ who is both in heaven and in us. We are speaking the mind of heaven. We are declaring the throughts of Christ in heaven. Praying in your prayer tongue releases heaven's intelligence and heaven's authority into the earth.

Pslams 23:5 When the Father anointed Jesus, the head of the body, with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit came upon the believers in the upper room and it flowed out of then like mighty rivers. When the heaad was anointed our cups run over. The identical experience that happened in heaven happened on earth. "You anoint my Head (Jesus) with Oil (Holy Spirit) my cup runs over (out of our bellies flow rivers of living water.)

Praying in your prayer tongue is praying out the anointed mind of Christ. Praying in your prayer tongue will produce wise outcomes which generates abundance -"my cup runs over."

The act of Jesus receiving the Holy Spirit was when Jesus was glorified in His spirit. John 7:39 was fulfilled in Acts 2:33. When you receive the Holy Spirit your spirit is glorified with the same glory that Jesus received at the right hand of God. "Spirit" and "Glory" are synonymous terms according to Romans 8:11 and Romans 6:4. To receive the Holy Spirit is to receive the glory of God into your spirit. We have glorified spirits if we have received the infilling of the Holy Spirit.






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