Assassination Attempt on Covid-19 and WHO Dissident, PM Fico of Slovakia

21 days ago

Robert Fico, PM of Slovakia, rejected the new Pandemic Treaty being voted upon at the end of this month. This was announced on 10 May 2024.

Five days later an assassination attempt was made on Fico by a random hitman.

Fico has also been a vocal opponent of the Covid-19 public health "response" causing harm to society whilst enriching the global parasite class making the bizarre recommendations such as "non essential" workers at almost zero risk from covid, staying at home for months on end, and strict surveillance of peoples' movements, allegedly to stop transmission of a virus that floats on air currents for hours to days.

It is becoming apparent to many that the parasitic class attempting a global takeover are not averse to the idea of knocking off opponents getting in the way of their plans.

15 Minutes With Dr Makis is a new podcast with oncologist/immunologist Dr William Makis whose history against corruption includes escaping communist Slovakia as a child in 1988, and then facing the corruption of the Trudeau government in Canada as his successful cancer treatment program was removed from the public system and privatised for profit. This cost the lives of many of Dr Makis' patients as he was forcibly stopped from treating them. Since the rollout of the vaccine program in Canada, Dr Makis has been monitoring excess deaths and reporting on increased sudden and unexpected deaths amongst mandated professions. Learn more about Dr Makis here:
and in this scandalously captivating interview:


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