5.15.2024 - Groovy Jimmy - Wednesday night Groove

15 days ago

Jimmy says that he's had some time to think about the whole Jamie situation. He unblocks her from chat, saying he doesn't care - it's just business and he's all about the money.

He also said that he eats a double cheeseburger every single day. When he went to buy one today, the "money wasn't right" and the store manager said he could pay the next time. Weird that he's already broke, the $3k loan lasted 29 days. He said he uses the Cleo app to get loans for up to $250 - they only charge you $8 per loan. Wow. Winning.

The panelists discuss his strange behavior towards women and the possible ties to his box eating incident at age 5. He tells a new story where he had a 'show me yours and ill show you mine' in kindergarten (wtf) with a fat hoe in the classroom. weird weird shit.

He ends the stream by saying he will be live early in the morning at 4am to start his stream. He wants to go to Cici's pizza and play the video games. He plans on bringing a satchel with him so he can smuggle pizza out.

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