Karine Grey-Poupon Dodges Questions About Releasing Biden's Special Counsel Interview Audio

15 days ago

Here's Just 1 of the MANY Reasons the Biden WH/AG Want to Keep the Audio Under Wraps: The Biden White House, at the urging of Attorney General Merrick Garland, has asserted executive privilege over audio of the president answering questions from special counsel Robert Hur about his possession of classified documents. Team Biden says the reason is that the Republicans would weaponize the audio by releasing out-of-context clips or something like that, but we all know the real reason. WASHINGTON (AP) — White House blocks release of audio of Biden’s special counsel interview, arguing GOP wants it for political reasons. Ever notice how the media's quick to repeat Democrat claims that Republicans want to do things "for political reasons," but never will consider headlines pointing out that maybe Biden's people are trying to bury the audio for political reasons? Naturally the Associated Press was leading the way on this one.

During today's White House briefing, Biden's chief gaslighter Karine Jean-Pierre said that "the transcripts are already out there" so there's no reason to release the audio. The White House once again dodges questions about releasing the audio of Biden's interview with the Special Counsel. Reporter: "Speaker Mike Johnson said that President Biden is 'apparently afraid for citizens to hear his interview…' How does the White House respond to that?" - KJP: "The transcripts are already out there." - Reporter: "As you know, hearing something and reading it is very different. And if the transcript is already out there, why is it different to have the audio there?" - KJP: *dodges the question some more* -- There are, in fact, many other reasons the White House would rather the general public not hear the audio version.

Things like this no doubt have something to do with the super-transparent Biden White House wanting to keep the audio under wraps: No we need to hear this. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNs9jzXWIAAWgRE?format=jpg&name=large -- If anything, could the White House at least agree to release the "Biden makes car sounds" parts? This might even boost their numbers amongst the nation's gearheads! At times during the interview, according to the transcript, the president made noises like a car. Once, it was while lamenting that he could drive his vintage Chevrolet Corvette only the length of his driveway. The other time was during a lengthy exchange over the torque of electric vehicles. “By the way, you know how it works?” Biden asked Hur. “It’s really cool.” Hur remarked, “Sir, I’d love — I would love, love to hear much more about this, but I do have a few more questions to get through.”

There are a lot of reasons the White House doesn't want to release the audio, but the President of the United States sounding like a five-year-old playing in a sandbox has to be near the top of the list.

Rumble: 'Incredible': Guess Who Urged Biden To Invoke Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel's Audio
Washington Post: Full transcript of Biden’s special counsel interview paints nuanced portrait
Twitchy: 'Incredible': Guess Who Urged Biden to Invoke Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel's Audio

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