A Promised Land brought to you by the Renegade 2020 - 2030.

15 days ago

9/11/2001 Lest We Forget.

Or even get start to get EDUCATED about the real deal...

911 = 804 + 19 + 61 + 21 + 6 = 911. = Obama.

Barack Hussein Obama born: 8.4.1961 the 216th day of the year 6x6x6.

Georgia Guidestones founded: 22nd March 1980.
The New World Orders 10 Commandments.

+ 40 Years (Of wilderness Depopulation Eugenics)

= 2020. World Economic Forum's The Great Reset Begins in its 48th year since foundation 1971. Covid Plandemic begins 11th March 2020 W.H.O.
8461 Days after Obama started his Political career as a Chicago Illinois Senator 10th January 1997. The same year 1997 that the Movie Conspiracy Theory came out on Obama's 36th Birthday 4.8.97 (sum of all numbers of 36 is 666) Mel Gibson drives Taxi 48 lives at apartment 61.
Obama born 4.8.61.

Obama announced "A Promised Land" 17th September 2020.
Mirroring the 10 commandments given to Moses in the 40th year of walking in the wilderness since the Exodus from Egypt.

+ 8 Weeks 4 Days (within 61 Days) world time zones. Obama: 8.4.61

= Official Release of "A Promised Land" 17th November 2020.
(1st year of the Covid Plandemic The Great Reset.) WEF 48 years old.

+ 9 Days 11 Months (911) Lest we forget or even remember.

= Renegades Book Release 26th October 2021.

Renegade meaning: "A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles." Traitor, Betrayer, Defector.

Renegades Obama/Springsteen Podcast: Spotify. 1st Podcast.
22nd February 2021.

+ 8 Months 4 Days (84) Obama Born.

= Renegades Book Obama/Springsteen release published.
26th October 2021.

Renegades Last podcast of the series: 5th April 2021.

+ 21 Days 6 Months (216) Movie Pi Faith In Chaos.

= Renegades Book Obama/Springsteen Release 26th October 2021.

+ 2 Days 1 Year 6 Months (216) 6x6x6

= Springsteen/Obama's Concert Barcelona Spain. E Street Band.

You know what hurts most?

That a potential global audience online since 2012 has heard this stuff from me. And that since 2014 I have lived in one place, and my Globe trotting days came to an end.

And not ONE local person sees this for what it is.

Or has any faith, understanding in the work that I do. Acknowledges anything. Owns any of it... Runs with it.

It's a lonely world for me.

Forgive them father for they know not what they do.

Give them time to repent.

(Get and read, obey a Evidence Bible and save their Souls from Hell and the eventual Lake of Fire as written in your word The King James Bible.

God have Mercy on their Souls for what is coming in their current state of ignorance, skepticism, willful, Sinful, unbelieving, rebellion.

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