Silk is DEAD - 6 Minute Daily - May 17th

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#6MinuteDaily #Live #Podcast

Silk is DEAD! What is Sony Going to Do? All that and more on the 6 Minute daily. Your BLAST of entertainment news and pop culture! The show goes LIVE after the 3 minute musical prelude "sound check" It stays up for the current week at least and then gets archived Odysee.

Sound Check & Shout Outs
IATSE Close to Making a Deal
Francis Ford Coppala Talks Studio Failures
Megalopolis Budget & Francis Ford Coppola's Perspectives
Coppola Gets Political With Jon Voight
Netflix & Roku Push Hard Into Sports
Netflix Challenged By UK on Baby Reindeer
Texas Joins the Film Production Fray
HEADLINE: Silk is DEAD at Amazon
Human Scum That Attacked Steve Buscemi Identified
China Real Estate Crisis Repeatedly Addressed By China - Another Set of Measures
Drinking in Abu Dhabi - UAE Relaxes Laws on Alcohol
Kansas Governor Vetoes Tax Cuts For Third Time
German Council Approves Tesla Expansion
Boeing Supplier Laying Off 450 Workers on Slowing Production
Car Theft Ring Arrested For Over 400 Vehicles in Michigan
News Outlets Shill For One Month McDonalds Meal Deal - Paid For By Coca-Cola
More Energy Destruction By Biden Administration
Google Wants Judge Deciding Antitrust Case in Virginia - Why?
World Record Lego Set
Credits and Promotion

19 Stories in All!

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TITLE: Silk is DEAD - 6 Minute Daily - May 17th

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