14 days ago

Adult Material; Nonviolent Solution. ORIGINAL YOUTUBE UPLOAD April 17, 2023; Nonreligious, Independent Study; 24 years appeals. CONTENTS: Slave Labor, Central Banking, Eustace Mullins, Manly P. Hall, Federal Reserve Act, “Daily Motivation Channel” on YouTube, Jordan Maxwell, “Jus” (Latin “Justice”), “Fas” (Latin “Fascism), Greatest Predator, “The Haves” vs. “Have-Nots,” “Divine Right of Kings,” “The stone the builders rejected,” Mussolini, Hitler, Avro Manhattan, Knights of Malta, Untaught term “The Jews” & “The Gentiles” or “The People of the Circumcision” vs. “The People of the Uncircumcision,” Caesareans & Pharisees, Circumcision of the Heart, Salvation, “Heaven on Earth,” Racism, Misogyny, Homophobia, Wars, Matthew 12:32, Revelation 2:9, Romans 2:25-29, Illuminati New World Goals #16-#25, “Pharaoh,” Corporatocracy, Mel Gibson, “The Chosen Ones,” “King of the Jews,” The Holy Spirit, Politics, “The Great House,” “Goliath,” Richard Dawkins, Ricky Gervais, Ben Shapiro, Bill Maher, “Religulous,” Slogans, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, “Trust The System,” Democrat, Republican, Labour, Tory, Japan, St. Joseph’s College, Mitsubishi Plane Factory, Sexual & Physical Child Abuse, Roman Empire Universalism, Kyle Rittenhouse, Fox News, Council of Nicaea, Antisemitism, New World Order, One World Government, Secret Diplomacy, Secret Societies, Chaos-builders, Mystery-builders, Monopolies, Subsidized Competition & Opposition, Militarized Police, “Armor of God,” “Covering of God,” Second Amendment, Temple, “Pray without ceasing,” “The Living Prayer,” Slavery, “The Enemy,” “Antichrist,” “The Christ,” “Evil,” “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing,” Twitter, Bible Literalists, “Satan,” “The All of the Law of God,” Mae Brussell, Education & Media Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Frustration, Victims of Murder, Trump, Pope Francis, Macron, Tucker, Maddow, National & International Laws, Myanmar, Tigray, Ukraine, Hitler (on Oct. 27, 1928), Roman Empire Christianizing, Constantine & his mother Helena, Empire, President John F. Kennedy (on Apr. 27, 1961), Vincente de Valverde (on Nov. 16, 1532), The Requirement or “Requerimiento,” Cuzco, South America, Rodrigo Borgia (Pope Alexander VI), “Manifest Destiny,” James W. Lee, California Gold Rush, Freemasonry, Mormon Militia, Triple Alliance Treaty of 1717, Naval Power of Spain, England & USA, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Russian Orthodox, Catholic, Freemason Grand Lodge Founded in England, Fiat Money replacing Gold & Silver, USA Debt. 9/11 & the Laws of Physics, Forensics Study of 9/11 by Physicists & Scientist, “The Truth makes you free,” Hosea 4:6.

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