Is your conscience SEARED with HOT IRON? Examine yourself today if you still can hear

13 days ago

Is your conscience SEARED with HOT IRON? Examine yourself today if you still can hear
When I got born again in my room alone, one thing that completely shocked me and took me by surprise is to realize HOW FILTHY, DIRTY and DISGUSTING sin and disobedience is in the sight of this Holy God. When Jesus revealed His cross to me, when the presence of God came inside my room and my spirit, I got completely exposed, I was completely naked spiritually in His presence, He can SEE EVERYTHING. He exposed all the dark places in me.
As soon as I realized in my shock, as soon as I experienced the MERCY and FORGIVENESS of God, the first question was: "What am I supposed to do now with ALL THESE SINS that I am living?". There was a NEW BATTLE that came in me but I KNEW that I could not continue living that way. I knew how offensive that would be this God.
There are many people living in sin today, and millions of people dying every day in that state away from God and from Christ. Sadly they have never seen sin for what it TRULY IS, and because of that, they will end up separated from God for eternity. The Bible speaks about a place of torment which is eternal (Jesus speaks about that place the most in history).
The reason they never knew how filthy their sin was, is because they never examined their conscience, they were not interested in the truth, the love of the truth was not in them, they didn't care about it. The pleasure of the flesh was more immediate, their carnal nature was the priority and not their spiritual state.
When sin first comes into our lives, we hear the voice of God in our conscience, not knowing it is Him convicting us, telling us: "that is wrong", "that is wicked", "Don't do that", "cut it off", etc.. But we ignore it, because the voice of the evil one is more satisfying, add to that the pleasure of the flesh. We choose to ignore the voice of God in our conscience for the first time.
But then if we continue ignoring this voice in our conscience, there comes a time where we will not hear it anymore. We have gotten used to sin and many people are in that state right now. Their conscience has become numb and dead.
It is like a hot iron touching our skin, it burned and hurt for the first time, but then the skin became desensitized and when this hot iron touches that skin the second time, it won't feel as strong, UNTIL we get to a point where we feel absolutely NOTHING. Many people have their conscience seared with hot iron (1 Timothy 4), no matter what their sin is, whether unrighteousness or self-righteousness.
The only way we can revive our conscience again dear friends is that we go back to the beginning, we go back to examining our deep conscience and we ask God to reveal to us our true current spiritual state. It is only BY HIS SPIRIT that God will reveal to us how filthy we have been, how dirty our sins are in His sight.
Today dear friend, if you are living in fornication, slave to pornography, living in greediness and selfishness, living lies, stealing, cheating people out of their money, stepping over other people without a guilty conscience, if you are cheating on your spouse, today, if you cannot SENSE that these things are COMPLETELY WRONG and WICKED, if you cannot HEAR the voice of God in your conscience, then today, you are in that STATE OF A SEARED CONSCIENCE. Your conscience has been SEARED with A HOT IRON.
You need GOD dear friend, you need JESUS CHRIST and you need the HOLY SPIRIT to come into your life and reveal to you afresh what state you are in. You need God to show you how far you have gone away from Him, how desensitized your conscience has become.
I had people in my life who have had a conscience once and I saw how they completely became desensitized with time. Sin has hardened them, their hearts became dull, conscience became numb.
But dear friend, there is a chance TODAY, there is still opportunity to CRY OUT TO GOD to SHOW YOU. Today, the window of choice is still open but once death comes, once judgment comes, this window will be COMPLETELY SHUT, the result will come and it will be FOREVER FINAL. It will be TOO LATE to TURN TO GOD.
If you are reading this and you can HEAR, if you are reading this and your conscience is NOT COMPLETELY SEARED and DESENSITIZED, if there is still a speck of SPIRITUAL LIFE in you, if you can still discern even a small grain of light in you, then you HAVE A CHANCE to BE SAVED. You have a chance to TURN and come to God, come HOME to Him, get broken over your sins and SEE THE TRUTH OF JESUS.
He will DELIVER YOU, He will make you a child of His, He will forgive you, He will GIVE YOU LIFE, He will give you hope, He will give you truth, He will save your soul, He will care for you, He will take your sins away, He will care for your children, He will give you A NEW BEGINNING.
Will you come today dear friend or will you continue with a seared conscience that will drag you into an eternal darkness with no hope?
May God bless you
Source: "Eternal Call"

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