Take A Look At These 10 Inventions That Never Caught On

6 years ago

So, this video is dedicated to inventions which at a point sounded and looked good but never actually caught on. For some of them it is a shame but for some maybe not so much.

To begin with, the mono wheel was a bicycle created to attract the attention of the thinkers out side the box that later proved to have several issues with steering along side other issues. Never the less people still think that these mono cycles have a chance to make it in the real world. Which is somewhat true now that one wheel bicycles are used but commonly by extreme cyclists.

Then we have the "cyclomer", which was basically a bicycle that was meant to take you through water. Yes, you heard right. A bicycle that you can ride in the water without sinking. But, as many of these ides, this one also had a couple of faults which didn't really encourage investors, so after a while it all went down the drain.

Then we have what they called the "portable bridge". As the name explains for it self, this was a bridge which you can take any where and connect two islands. Now now in the most broad of sense but basically if there was a river which disconnected two parts of a neighborhood, this bridge was constructed so that you can place it and connect the two side. Although clever, this bridge felt unsafe therefor people decided to keep to the conventional stone and concrete bridges we have today.

The winterized face protector was also one of the ideas which originated in Canada to protect people from the merciless winters. However this was too much since it literally looks like a cone which people place right on their face to protect them from severe winds and cold in Canada. To start off with, this just looks ridiculous.

Hamblin Glasses were meant to reflect off of each other so that you can see whats in front of you even though your laying down. It was mainly meant for reading, which was at the time "ahead of its time" but somehow they still didn't pass through.

The piano bed, pretty much self explanatory. People tried to invent this new way of more practical piano playing so that you can play the piano while in bed. Yeah..didn't catch on too well.

Next is the radio head, pretty much similar to ear phones , at least but better built today and more practical. This invention involved a hat and earmuffs connected to it and the system just built into the hat. Sadly, this might have been a break through to what we have today but still never made it to the real market.

The revolver camera. Basically what this was is that the product maker tried to put a camera inside a revolver, meaning each time you pulled the trigger a photo would be taken. Never really worked out for some obvious reasons.

The suspended baby cage was obviously a cage which was meant to stick out your window so that your baby can outside but still remaining in the apartment. This looks very unsafe to say the least!

And then we have a full pack cigarette holder which allows the user to be able to smoke a whole pack of cigarettes into one go. Interesting huh?

These ...interesting inventions failed to catch the public's eye, but they are certainly creative!

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