Adorably Tiny Hummingbirds Snuggle In Their Nest

6 years ago

These teeny tiny baby hummingbirds are so cute snuggling in their nest. Like a crown jewel, the nest of a hummingbird is one of the great wonders in all of nature. They are so tiny, yet so perfect. Few of us have ever seen a hummingbird nest. This is because they are nearly impossible to find. From the ground, they look like another bump on a branch. From above, an umbrella of leaves conceals them. And from the side, they look like a tiny knot, quilted with lichens, plant down and fibers.

Hummingbird nests are amazing architectural creations that protect and nurture some of the world's most delicate birds. It may only be 5-8 weeks from the time nest construction begins until the maturing birds leave home, but observing hummingbird nests can be a rewarding and enchanting experience for birders.
Hummingbirds build velvety, compact cups with spongy floors and elastic sides that stretch as the young grow. They weave together twigs, plant fibers, and bits of leaves, and use spider silk as threads to bind their nests together and anchor them to the foundation.

Hummingbirds choose safe, sheltered locations for their nests, ensuring that their hatchlings are protected from sun, wind, rain, or predators. The most common nest locations are in the forked branch of a tree, along thin plant branches, or sheltered in dense bushes. Thicket-like areas or thorny bushes are especially preferred for the extra protection they provide. Hummingbirds are resourceful, however, and may build nests in unique locations.

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