Son Shows New Motorcycle To Mom And She Calls It A Snot Rocket

6 years ago

A funny video has emerged featuring woman’s reaction when her son presents her with his new purchase. Check out this mom's response when her son arrives home with his brand new bike for the first time. She calls it a snot rocket!

A man has mounted an action camera on his helmet and is riding his brand new bike to the front porch of his house. He hits the gas pedal to produce loud sounds so that his mother hears from inside the house. Apparently, this son wanted to surprise his mother with his new purchase, and found a perfect way to show her! Watch the video to find out how she reacts!

Footage shows a middle aged woman exiting the house and curiously observing the front porch, trying to figure out what her son brought home. The moment she sets eyes on the speeding bike, she has her piece of mind that she has to share with him. She even tries to ride it! Cheeky!

After congratulating him on the new purchase, she asks him whether the machine is called a ‘snot rocket’, to which the man corrects her that it is actually called ‘crotch rocket’. We have to admit that the name is very convenient!

Crotch rocket is a high-speed and high-performance motorcycle typically distinguished by its aerodynamic ‘hunched-over’ seating position which requires the driver to lean forward. Stunters prefer these kind of bikes because they are light and easy to perform tricks on.

Over the past decades, these revolutionary sports bikes introduced very sophisticated aerodynamics to the machine, using innovative on board technology, taking speed to a whole different level. Since then, big manufacturers have been trying to become better than their rivals by totally transforming the landscape of these sports bikes. Would you dare driving one? Share your thoughts on the matter in the comments below!

This hilarious video has reminded us of another funny video when children decided to give dad’s motorcycle a brand new color, by painting it white. If anything we would want to take a moment and praise this dad for being so calm and not freak out to his son’s crazy idea. I mean, my dad would have lost his mind if my siblings and I had done anything close to what these kids did.

Speaking with hyperbole we might have become disowned. So, what did these precocious small children do, in apparently five minutes? They found and used white paint all over their dad’s motorcycle! And we do mean everywhere. The dad gives us a whole tour of his newly hand-painted bike with his kids gleefully pointing out where they painted. They even point out places and spots that he had not yet seen before he grabbed the camera.

Again, we are amazed at how calm this dad is about the whole thing. He’s not even doing that whole clenched teeth low talking kind angry. Maybe he is just so shocked. This duo managed to not only paint the back of the bike but also the sides. And the seat and the back seat. They even got some paint on the motor. That said, their “best” work is saved for the front of the bike. They managed to paint some designs on the front. They also covered the windshield and the front wheel guard. If what the dad says is true these kids got a lot of work done in only five minutes.

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