Friendly Parrot Repetitively Calls Out For Amazon Alexa

6 years ago

A clever parrot has quickly figured out how to call on Alexa in this heartwarming clip. In the video, the owner is filming the hilarious moment when a parrot is flirting with owner’s Amazon Echo device. Watch as the parrot calls out for Alexa over and over again, much to owner’s amusement.

The Amazon Echo’s Alexa replies to vocal requirements, and while most of the time those requirements come from a human, other times their feathered friends get in on the act. A lovely African Grey parrot amusingly asks her new best friend, Alexa, to come out and play. Adorable!

Check it out as this clever parrot learns how to say 'Alexa' in order to turn on Amazon Alexa. It is hilarious how this friendly parrot controls her BFF Alexa to do everything! Do you also have pets who like to play with Alexa? Share your experience in the comments below!

Gray parrots are renowned for their conversational talent. A resident of the rainforest, accustomed to sleeping on tall trees, when given the necessary conditions, flourishes as a pet bird. This is one of the most popular exotic birds, which easily gets used to domestic conditions. Over time, with a good attitude, the parrot becomes attached to the owner and begins to endow it with its love. In this case, the friendly parrot became attached to his owner’s automated device. How cool is that!?

Judging from this video, gray parrots have so much love to keep going on but also have domesticized so well that they start giving their love to the most sophisticated home appliances. Another funny video has emerged of a woman discovering the items her pet parrot has saved in her Echo device shopping list. Adorable!

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