Ambitious Shiba Inu Pooch Fetches Massive Tree Branch For Owner

6 years ago

A hilarious footage has emerged of an obedient Shiba Inu superdog fetching a huge stick on command. Apparently this tough dog decided to level up and replace old boring sticks with a branch.

While Loki was playing in the park, his owner tried to trick him by throwing a huge stick which he thought was too big for little Loki to fetch. However, to everyone's surprise, Loki dragged the branch all the way back and passed the test with flying colors!

Footage shows an adorable dog frolicking in the snow, playing fetch with owner. To dog’s surprise, owner decided to put her skills to the test, and threw a huge tree branch for her to catch and fetch. Loki was quick to act and easily found the branch, after which she heroically dragged it back to please owner.

Owner found this behaviour hilarious, so she decided to capture her dog’s heroic moment on camera, much to our amusement. Owner explains that this curious pooch likes sticks, logs, tree stumps, i.e. anything that is wood-related. We now understand Loki’s obsession to find and conquer this branch!

Of course, the tree branch is heavier than the sticks Loki is used to fetching, therefore, when bringing it back to owner, her head was slightly tilted backwards. How adorable! Can you imagine carrying around a tree branch and playing fetch with it? This superdog doesn’t mind the load and is open for new challenges. The bigger and heavier, the better!

Have you ever witnessed anything like this? A superdog obeying owner’s commands and carrying a massive tree branch around in its mouth in order to play fetch with owner!

Playing fetch is such great way to spend some quality time with your dog. You go outside, get some fresh air, your dog gets his daily dose of exercise, and everyone is happy! Just like in this funny video featuring a cheerful dog playing fetch with owner. For many dogs the routine of tossing and retrieving is the highlight of their day. Fetch is a game owners usually played with their dogs, when they toss an object, usually a stick or a ball, and it is dog’s objective to grab it and retrieve it to owner.

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