Amazing Real Life Heroes Save A Hawk Trapped In A Tree

6 years ago

In May 2015 a place called ‘Hope’, a rehabilitation center for birds of prey received a call about a red-tailed hawk trapped 60 ft up in the tree and it had been dangling perilously for 16 hours before a team could attempt to challenge in rescue. The male hawk had managed to get its leg wedged in a crevice in a tree. Poor little guy!

Trying to escape, he got exhausted! Having no chance and no strength to free himself, the team had attempted a rescue 60 ft in the air! For us, these are the real heroes, who think only for the good of the animals! The real life heroes set up some rope lines and started climbing the tree so they can set this little guy free and enjoy again the blue skies and the priceless freedom!

They released the hawk's legs from the tree and carrying him safely to the ground this story ends with a happy ending and one happy hawk thanks to this everyday heroes! After saving him the team made sure that the hawk is not hurt and give him the proper help and care he needs! Luckily, he was not hurt a lot so they gave him the proper medication to make sure he doesn’t have pain or any kind of infection before he was taken to the rehabilitation center!

After a few days into the rehabilitation center, the hawk was recovering very well and his leg was recovering marvelous! He is going to be free again and be again with his family! We salute heroes like this who make the world a better place for humans and animals too!

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