A Bunch Of Turkeys Chase Cyclist For Two Miles

6 years ago

A traveler on a North Carolina road was so surprised by this sight that he was compelled to turn around and capture the video of this unusual spectacle: a cyclist being chased by turkeys. The video, filmed May 10, 2018, on a road in Waynesville, shows a cyclist riding on the ride of the road with three turkeys in hot pursuit. The person making the video said the turkeys may have been pursuing the man for up to two miles.

The maker of this video testifies: "On my way to eat lunch with my wife noticed a cyclist riding in the opposite direction with three turkeys chasing him. These turkeys are well known in town and hang out at a roundabout a few miles away which is also a cyclist route for the area. I decided I needed to turn around and capture this event. Based on where they are usually they had chased that guy at least two miles to that location of the video."

Were you surprised by the turkeys’ behavior? Don’t be. Although turkeys are very tolerant living in and among people, they can get pretty territorial. Luckily, if they do get in your way, you can most often shoo them away if you are aggressive about it. Little did this cyclist know that modern scientists use the turkeys’ trot as a model of exploring how the extinct dinosaurs looked and moved. Luckily, folks, there were no cyclists in those days.

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