Daddy Is Home After 21 Days Away Working

6 years ago

“My father travels on the late evening train
Standing among silent commuters in the yellow light
Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes
His shirt and pants are soggy and his black raincoat
Stained with mud and his bag stuffed with books…” by the poet-photographer Dilip Chitre

Little does the love of the child waiting for the parent change in centuries, or across cultures. Kids love and miss the father while he is gone for months, off to provide for his little ones. From the days of the caves, until the modern age, the picture stays the same: kids huddled together, hoping and expecting. Like the two precious angels waiting for their dad to return from the country.

The video, taken on May 15, 2018, in Porterville, California, USA shows the two siblings, Sam and Sissy, greeting their daddy after him being gone for twenty-one days running cattle. A heart-throb story and a sight every father would be proud of!

And rightly so: out of all places in the world, home is the best place to return to. Especially when you return to your own place, where your dearest family is awaiting your return. You know people there are brimming with excitement, you know the face of the people whose hearts beat faster just for you. When you are absent from your family for a long while, you too start to miss them.

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