T-Rexercising Is The Best Way To Grow Healthy Habits

6 years ago

So many times it happens that we just feel all our energy draining from our bodies despite the fact that we haven’t woken up properly, even for the first-morning cup of coffee. Exhaustion seems to be the plague of the modern world. Luckily, there is a cure for it, and a simple one for that matter. A series of easy exercises will arouse your body from the lethargy, help improve your brain function, increase your reaction time, make you smarter and, therefore, more self-confident.

Now, the more difficult question is: how to motivate yourself to train regularly? No matter how tempting it might seem to stay on the couch and not do anything, you know that as a result you will only feel worse. Yes, you get temporary pleasure, but then you will feel guilty for missing the benefits. The best way to ensure that your activities will be regular - and enjoyable - is to make them your habit and an integral part of your life. This also means going to certain extends, like the woman in the video above.

The footage made on April 14, 2018, in Hanson, Massachusetts, USA shows a T-Rex flipping the pedals of a stationary bike in the comfort of its own home. T-Rexes are not around anymore to make this theory plausible. It is a human being in a costume, trying to start up the habit of exercising in quite an ingenious way. This is what the maker of the video has to say: “My mother put on her T-Rex costume and went for a ride on my stationary exercise bike while I took a video.” Just keep on the good work dear T-Rex, do not make that will power go to extinction.

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