Family Has Dangerously Close Encounter With Wild Bull Moose

6 years ago

"I was going out to gather the eggs and this Bull Moose came into our back yard, stopped and then came at me. I stayed calm, so I would not frighten him. The Bull Moose passed on one side of the tree and I kept that tree between me and him. I had to catch my breath after he passed me and then he jumped the fence. Very close encounter with a Bull Moose!" - said Frank & Carrie's Homestead who had filmed the video on April 28, 2018.

The moose somehow strays away from the right path and finds himself in this backyard. He is the largest of all deer species and he runs as light as a feather, swiftly and easily. The bull moose roams through the garden, not knowing how to get out of it and return to his natural habitat. Being an animal means having a tight connection with nature so that the instincts guide him to find his way out. After he makes one huge circle around the yard not being able to find an open gate, he jumps over the fence and keeps on running.

Luckily, the moose shows his polite manners by being peaceful but generally moose can become aggressive when they are threatened. It is never a good idea to approach a moose since they are considered as the least social animals. Moose are very territorial, and if they think you are a threat, they will charge at you. Moose are faster than humans, so you can't outrun one! They are solitary animals, except when it comes to mating.

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