Little Girl Climbs The Car Roof To Prank Mom But Windshield Wipers Teach Her A Lesson

6 years ago

Children spend they days playing pranks on their parents, siblings, their friends, household pets, their imaginary friends, even on inanimate objects in ways more versatile than any list of prank sufferers we can number here. They do provide some logical reasons for behaving in this manner, for example, curiosity.

Research shows that prank creativity peaks in children at the age of seven, when the child is allowed to play outside with friends. Here child play gets the character of scientific experiments: at this age it is most fun to see how fire is started, what makes it burn, what will happen if you throw a stick or an entire car tire and most interestingly – how to make the evidence of such an experiment disappear from from the parents’ sensors, because, as we all know, playing with fire is not allowed in any family.

The fire experiments are the ultimate no-no in adults’ eyes so only a few kids would try them. Still, you have many ways in which a kid will show its silliness. Children often start to dance, disobey their parents, put bread crumbs in mom’s lipstick, come home with stolen fruit smashed to the pulp in the pockets, or even worse – hiding worms and beetles there for additional home experiments.

It is not that children cannot grasp the connection between cause and effect or that they methodically disobey their parents, but the thirst for knowledge and discovery is too great in these little ones. And who can blame them, this is the method that entire human race used to get some insight into how the wheels of nature turn through ought our entire existence on this planet. It is necessary to treat such childish pranks and risky experiments with utmost care and attention, having both your and your kid’s safety and best interest in mind, but at the same time, you should not just turn a blind eye to the risk they pose. If the child sees that his behavior causes irritation or indignation, he or she will surely repeat the same prank just to annoy you. Apart from learning about the world around them, children sometimes do silly things just for the sake of provoking the parents' reaction. Just like the little girl in the video at the top of the page.

Wise people say that silly people do silly things, but so do kids! And we all love them for that! No one can be as hilarious as they can be! This adorable tot girl wants to pull out a prank on her mom, but at the end, she gets the worst of it! Just as we said in the article above, kids learn by drawing experience form their games, even when, and especially when they fail.

Mother and daughter are sitting in a car, ready to go somewhere. But just before the car starts off, this witty little joker decides to do a prank on her own mom. She somehow manages to crawls out from her spot in the back seat, climbs through the sunroof of the car and through the roof, she reaches the front. Then, the young prankster leans over and shows her face on a windshield to scare her mom, but instead gets hit by the windshield wipers that her mom accidentally activated before she saw her little girl there! Oh, the drama! We bet she learned a good lesson and she did not get much scolding from mom as the cause and effect were pretty palpable for her to draw her own conclusions.

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