Cat Pretends To Fall Hard To The Ground After Being Hit By A Toy Car

5 years ago

There are cats who are incredible scam artists. Most of them actually. But if you have a look at this ball of fluff, you will understand what are we talking about. Like any other cat, this one loves to play, it also likes to take advantage of certain situations and he knows he will get what he wants. Solely because he is a cat and cats always get what they want one way or the other. While he sits on the floor and licks his fur carelessly, a red toy car appears on the video. Where does it go? What does it want to do? Who is it aiming at? Who else but the cat. Instead of idly wasting the hours of the day, he can be shaken, can’t he? The car comes thoroughly equipped, with music, disco lights and in full capacity. As it starts moving towards the cat, he starts to sense some noise in the air, but is not sure what is going on yet. If his owners think that they would catch him underprepared, they fooled themselves. Cat are always ready to outsmart everybody around them and they are always ready to pull out some mischievous tricks.

When the car at last is close enough, the cat is looking at as curiously as can be but he doesn’t show any signs of unpleasant surprise. He just probably devices ways how to trick his owners. And he does it masterfully. The moment the car hits the cat’s hind legs, he goes stiff and puts on such an act like he was pushed to the ground by a real car. So there is the cat, lying on the floor, apparently in “distress” of the dramatic impact as he continues with his act. Wagging his tail, it is obvious that the cat is waiting for his owners to tap his back as a sign of appreciation of his acting abilities. Luckily, he wasn’t hurt in the event.

Cats are independent as the rising sun. They observe everything with their gentle feline eyes, they loves to sit on a lap for strokes, they purr like a well oiled engine - loud and strong, and wind around their owner’s legs at meal times. Cats are indeed funny animals with their black and white preened fur they patrol in the garden, chase butterflies and pounce on beetles. When they are confined within the borders of their homes, they leave muddy paw prints across the kitchen tiles, mew for food when they are hungry and snooze on the couch, wait for fuss, purr like a tractor while their fur flies everywhere.

If you love cats, take a look at this video where a cat named Butters meows every morning until his owner gets out of bed. How annoying that could be? It’s like havin the alarm clock set on the highest volume with that difference that the alarm can be snoozed but not this cat. This cat just can't wait any longer for his owner to wake up. Therefore, he takes matters into his own hands! Butters meows his hearts out just to wake up his sleeping owner with a chorus of meows. He's very persistent and will keep meowing until his owner gets up. And of course, he is impossible to ignore and always gets what he wants. So precious and cute! Imagine yourself lying in bed on a weekend morning with nowhere to go. You have been waiting for this moment the entire week! It goes out without saying that you had turned off your alarm clock and after a long and exhausting work week, you can finally sleep a little bit longer. Or can you?

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