Horse's Irregular Facial Expression Indicates Health Problems

5 years ago

We are sure you will agree that horses are one of the most majestic and beautiful animals on the planet. Despite the fact that they can easily crush us with their sized and immensely powerful hooves and therefore inspire fear, horses are very tender and beautiful creatures. And they show their tenderness in a wonderful way.

Many people love their horses, take care of them and provide them with a natural life of the highest quality. But they cannot understand how horses communicate their gratitude, affection or even convey their reaction back to people who handle them. Just like a cat that folds on its lap, or a puppy that licks its nose, the horse has ways of saying that they love you.

Horses are amazing animals and extremely perceptive to their surroundings. They are a prey animal whose evolution has helped them develop highly tuned senses that are able to pick up subtle communicators and body language to help them survive. When you stand among a herd of horses, you will see that they respond to every eye movement, ear flicker, or tail swipe of the other horses. And they read and respond to our non-verbal cues and body language too. They are so sensitive that even your breathing will give them clues about your mood and intentions. If we could be as perceptive as horses, we would no doubt process information in a way that would allow us far greater communication with each other.

This horse is Prinz Harry, known as Harry, and he was a racehorse in his former life. He collapsed on the track several years ago due to cardiac arrhythmia and the diagnosis changed his life forever. He found his way to a very unique farm, The Mane Intent, near Peterborough, Ontario, where he lives with 9 other horses. Together, they work with people in a variety of situations to work miracles. They assist with leadership skills, experiential learning, and sometimes healing after traumatic or troubling events. Harry has definitely found his calling here.

Harry is working with Dave, a police officer who found his way to the Mane Intent by coincidence. What is truly remarkable is that when they became paired up to work together, Dave was also struggling with cardiac arrhythmia, exactly as Harry had. Dave was facing his own challenges as a result and he was trying to come to terms with how the condition would affect his life.

As they stood quietly in the ring, Harry made his way over to Dave and he began to show his teeth and tilt his head in what appears to be several exaggerated yawns. Anyone who understands horses can tell you that this is believed to be a purging of stress or tension. It may be a release of their own tension or the reaction to the tension that they sense from those around them. It's an unusual behavior which is meant to have great significance in an interaction such as this.

Dave is a serious animal lover who came to The Mane Intent simply for the human/animal connection that the farm offers, but what he left with was a new outlook. After seeing that Harry had found a higher purpose and a beautiful life on this gorgeous farm, Dave realized that obstacles can sometimes be life's way of moving you in a better direction.

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