How not to do the floss - little girl gives it a try

5 years ago

The Fortnite dances have taken the word by storm and everyone has had their try and replicating the dance moves. Little six year old Sienna is no different. There is no doubt the most challenging and gripping move that has taken the world by storm is the floss. A dance move in which the arms move side by side versus the hips moving in the other direction. However the hardest part about this dance move is to get to coordination of the arms going back and forth and around the back of the body. In this adorably funny video, Sienna gives her best impression of the floss. She has claimed for days that she has nailed it, and wants to show her audience just how good she is at doing the floss. As she begins, she seems to be filthy coodinated and going well, but it doesn’t take long for her to become disoriented and she starts to flap her arms around resembling a bird almost. You can hear her parents enjoying this with a bit of laughter in the background, and so much so that Sienna begins to laugh at herself and even gives a little snort. Such a cute, funny little dance performance from Sienna that will make you smile and laugh while enjoying her attempt at the floss at the same time. Sienna is a six year girl from Australia who loves making videos and sharing them, and loves creating memories to view for when she is older. This is such a fun video that it was too cute not to share, and we hope you enjoy Sienna’s attempt at the floss as much as we did! Watch Sienna’s attempt to do the floss and enjoy the laughter that comes from this hilarious attempt of the dance that has taken the world be storm!

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