Cellphone Users Started Receiving 'Presidential Alert' Texts

5 years ago

If you get a “presidential alert” on your phone on Thursday, you will not be alone. Many people are very uncomfortable discussing this very controversial topic. Some believe that since governmental agencies can so easily send alert messages straight to the cell phones of our country’s citizens, it is then not outrageous to consider the notion that there may also be some monitoring that goes with this.

This idea and conspiracy theory belief really blew up a few years ago with all of the stories about former government agents “telling all” to the public. One example was the incident with Snow. If you are looking for more information on just how this cell phone message will show up, here is the information that is currently available to the public: FEMA and the FCC are carrying out a test of the new IPAWS system - an alert system that combines television, radio and text alerts. FEMA and the FCC are testing a new alert system that will reach a majority of cell phone users in the USA.

The text will be sent on September 20th, at 2:18 pm eastern. This will represent the first national test of the agencies wireless emergency alert system, or WEA. More than one hundred carriers are participating in the national test, including the largest providers in the country. This means that unless you have an older WEA incompatible phone, you will probably receive the alert.

While the WEA has been around since 2008, this is apparently the first time these messages will carry the “Presidential Alert” heading. Aside from that heading, the message alert text will consist of the following message: “This is a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert system, no action is needed.” Whether you agree with the conspiracy theorists or not, one thing is for sure: All we have to go on is what the government tells us to do.

In addition, citizens really just have to gather the relevant information that they can, and then make their own judgements. Either way, we do know at least that this emergency alert system could have some really positive benefits here if our country is at risk or is being threatened in any monumental way.

We are not really sure if this alert system will be or could be used for anti-terror reasons, or if it will be used more for natural disaster type situations, but a general consensus of most citizens does show that most people agree that at least some news is always better than no news. However, most will also agree that they believe there is always more than meets the eye. This remains true, especially when the discussion is centered around the United States government. Some have just been burned one too many times, so they have a bit of a hard time trying to trust governmental issues and controversy.

What do you think about all of this? Don’t forget to comment below with your thoughts. We want to hear them!

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