Woman Trapped Inside Car During Tornado

5 years ago

In Canada, a tornado was pulled into a powerful funnel car with a female driver. The driver of the battered car not only survived by a miracle but also made a video of what happened. A terrible incident occurred in the city of Gatineau, ин Quebec, Canada, on September 21. The woman was on the track during a powerful hurricane. For the sake of their own safety, the motorist decided to stop the car on the sidelines, but this did not save her.

The video shows how a tornado pulls the car into the funnel. Gusts of wind were so strong that the glass of the car on the driver’s side does not stand up and is smashed to smithereens. In the car salon, water, stones, and dirt begin to fly. The author of the video is very scared, behind the scenes you can hear her cry and cry. After a few seconds, the recording stops.

As a result of the incident, the girl remained alive but received various injuries.

"I filmed the tornado from inside my car. I'm okay but I had a lot of cuts and bruises," remembers the victim.

Note that the devastating storm hit Gatineau and the Canadian capital of Ottawa a few days ago. During the tornado, the wind speed reached 265 km/h. In the mountains, buildings were destroyed, cars overturned and trees felled. According to local authorities, about 30 people were injured as a result of the incident.

Thrill seekers’ close encounter with tornado is nothing but incredible. Watch the linked video!

Thrill seekers come face to face with a tornado between Katie and Wynnewood, Oklahoma in this extreme footage. As the video unravels, their noises of excitement and awe are becoming more and more tangible, and a mere sight at the tornado makes our stomach churn with fear. The intensity of this destructive vortex of violently rotating winds has the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud as it advances beneath a large storm system. It sounds equally scary as it looks.

We know that tornadoes are so powerful that they pick up houses like they are nothing and disintegrate them in the air. Tornadoes also pick up cars like they are toys, tossing them down the street. However, these adventurous souls seem like they are living for extreme weather conditions and real miracles of nature like this one, and their itchy feet won’t stop them witnessing the incredible. Their thirst for thrill dwarfs the impending danger of the tornado coming closer and close to their car. They are so near to the tornado that is on a direct path to their whereabouts, but the mere excitement that overtakes them is unmatched with their indifference.

The sounds that the tornado makes are audible enough for us to hear. The trees creak outside and the dust is whipped up into the air, semi-blinding us as we look to the twister over the trees - a gigantic column of violently twisting air rotating in the air.

We hope that these guys will do the only thing that seems reasonable here - to pack up the car, cram inside and drive like Satan himself is on their tail and no worry about speed limits at all.

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