Cockatiel Loves Popcorn So Much She Bathes In It

5 years ago

Star the cockatiel loves her popcorn so much that she actually takes a bird bath in it! On cold, rainy or snowy evenings, her owner likes to treat her to a bowl of freshly popped popcorn. She must like sitting in it because it's warm!

Watch this funny and adorable video, which is starring a beautiful cockatiel called "Star" who is sharing the strange way he bathes. In the video Star shows us how he bathes in a cup of popcorn as if it were water; while his owner throws popcorn over his back, this beautiful cockatiel looks like he enjoys it a lot, we can see how Star lifts his wings with a lot of happiness, he feels the soft popcorn fall into his feathery body and he loves that. Hilarious!

Many of us have seen birds bathe in water, or perhaps in the soil like chickens, but surely you haven't seen such a particular bird as this bathe in popcorn. Star loves to feel the warm, freshly made popcorn and enjoys how its owner helps it bathe in the bowl. This bird can eat and bathe at the same time, and who wouldn't like that? That's tempting, and that's one of the benefits of being as small as this cockatiel, which can immerse itself in any cup full of anything.

Can you imagine a pool full of popcorn just for you? You'd dive just like Star, and it must feel a lot better than the typical ball pools that kids love. We can see how Star seriously acts like a whole child, playing and running around the cup of popcorn, this also amuses its owner, as Star is a very charming cockatiel.

The popcorn matches this beautiful cockatiel that has a white and yellowish color like butter, and it looks like a huge popcorn! but with those adorable red cheeks that make it look so beautiful, it's impossible to deny this bird her popcorn when she wants to have fun. This video will make you fall in love!

Birds love to do mischief, and enjoy being loved, they imitate us gracefully and that makes our day happy, their unexpected kisses and surprising skills make us appreciate how intelligent and tender they can be. Many times the bond of affection between a human and a bird is so strong that they can be in all their ability to fly far away to their natural habitat, but they still decide to stay with their owner, and even more so, if they know that nowhere else will they have a pool of popcorn waiting for them to bathe.

Do you know other ways to bathe as rare as this? Perhaps your pet also has strange habits and looks as fantastic as Star, which captivates us with this short but fun video of its particular popcorn bath. We know that pets are unique, they look for unusual ways to have fun freely, because nature is that way, free and beautiful.

Give him "I like it" if you enjoyed the video and don't be left with the desire to comment! I invite you to leave your opinion in the comments below. Don't forget to share this fun video with your friends on your social networks, so they too can be captivated by Star. Maybe it's the most adorable thing you'll see today Enjoy it!

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