Parrot Impersonating Smoke Alarm Causes Firefighters To Rush To House

5 years ago

Firefighters who raced to a suspected house blaze during an emergency call-out were stunned to find a parrot impersonating a smoke alarm. Steve Dockerty, 63, was left baffled when fire crews banged on his door investigating the source of a blaze at his property at around 3.45pm.

It soon became apparent that the cause of the emergency call was his cheeky pet African grey parrot, who is named Jazz. The video opens with the parrot impersonating the sound of the smoke alarm. The beeping that you hear at the start is not a true smoke alarm! It is hard to believe that the noise is coming from the parrot because it is identical to a real alarm and the noise that it makes. There is just absolutely nothing that is different from the actual alarm sound and the sound that this parrot is making.
Parrots are known for their mimicking noises and words, but this is an entirely new situation that very few have ever witnessed. Parrots can imitate thousands of sounds and words, from conversations to a cat’s meowing.

This parrot’s owner introduces the adorable bird to the camera as he films his mischievous little friend while making this video. The man explained that his bird likes to imitate people, noises, and any other sound that interests him. The parrot’s owner explains that not long ago, the bird imitated the fire alarm, which resulted in the fire brigade being called out to his house. The man added that when they arrived at the door, he was very confused and had no earthly idea why the firemen were even at his door. Obviously, a neighbor must have heard the alarm sound coming from the parrot and assumed it to be real. They called the firemen in the hope of helping the situation. Unfortunately, the parrot Jazz had duped the neighbor into thinking that the sound was coming from a real alarm!

Jazz’s owner says that once he explained what was really going on to the firemen, they all were very nice and forgiving about having had their time entirely wasted by a bird. He said that everyone had a good laugh about the entire situation.

One of the world’s most famous parrots was also of the same breed as Jazz. He was actually labelled as the world’s smartest parrot because of all of the different skills that he had learned so to be able to communicate with his handler, who was also a researcher. The pair showed the world the incredible intelligence that these birds have and what their true capabilities really are. It seems that Jazz has these same incredibly skills and talents.

Parrots are known for being super mischievous, so this is not surprising. Their curiosity makes them wonderful company, but they can also cause quite a bit of trouble. Jazz has certainly mastered the art of causing trouble as her owner has discovered. Hopefully, Jazz’s owner will post more videos and updates to show how she is doing and what new skills she has learned!

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