Bridge Collapse In Moscow's Gorky Park On New Year's Eve

5 years ago

A wooden bridge in Russian’s most popular park Gorky packed with people collapse during the count-down to the New Year's Day. Thirteen people were injured and three people were badly hurt. This occurred at midnight and was caught on camera. This video shows us the precise moment the bridge began to give in and actually fail.

This wooden bridge came crashing down when it was overcrowded with revelers listening to the national anthem, commonly played in many Russian public places before the New Year is ushered in. The incident took place just minutes after the clock struck midnight. The people who were standing on the wooden bridge fell onto the revelers down on the skating rink below.
The various news agencies reported that thirteen people were injured and three people were badly hurt, but unfortunately Moscow's mayor's office said in a statement that there were no serious injuries…
Mayor VKontakte wrote on a social media site.

“I visited the victims at the collapse of the bridge in Gorky Park. Thank God, there are no serious injuries, but people’s holidays have been thoroughly spoiled,”
It is very disgusting that thirteen people were injured among three people was badly hurt but Russian authority's behavior was completely carelessness.
I am often asked complicated questions like “So what is it like in Russia? What is Russia like?” and expected to give a clear and concise answer right away. Well, apart from it being a seriously hard question to answer to someone living in a place like Norway, it begs for a cliché answer like “Well, it is different; or Well it is like being on another planet, It is huge etc.”... Just how different and how huge, today gave some examples.

For instance, today, the whole country gathered around the living room tables to celebrate the necessary New Year, with food, drinks and often TV. Seems kinda same like everywhere else, right?

The difference is that earlier today in the Ural city of Magnitogorsk a gas explosion toppled a 10 story apartment building, with 5 people confirmed killed and around a hundred (!!) people left buried in the rubble in the subzero temperatures... Some of them are probably still alive, but no immediate rescue work could be done, at the risk of the remaining debris falling and killing the rescuers... That happened before, the festivities continued, the State-owned TV kept on with the entertainment, viciously familiar comedies and concerts occupied every single channel, the life kept on going. Then a bridge collapsed over a skating rink in Gorky Park, Moscow and a fire broke out at a ski resort not far away, all with multiple casualties... Now, if that all happened in Norway in one night, the people would go absolutely mental, there would be firings, investigations, apologies and unquenchable amount of grief and public outcry, careers would be ending, preventive measures would be intense and all-encompassing... Not because Norwegians are more compassionate and sensitive people, but cos it is small... It is very different.

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