Even death cannot conquer the eternal and everlasting love of a beautiful Great Dane who loves you.

5 years ago

I have been struggling to come to terms with the tragic demise of my best friend. She was that and so much more to me. She was my activity partner, training partner, protector and teacher.

She taught me more about gushing unconditional love and unshakable, unwavering loyalty than any person has taught me in my entire life. She is my Great Dane, so wise, prudent, sensitive, yet enormously strong. Her heart, soul and essence was given to me freely the day I adopted her on Monday, August 14th, 2012. She would always demonstrate all this through her actions and never a word was spoken.

Like so many other Great Danes, she was taken by gastric dilation volvulus, also known as bloat. It is a horrific and enormously painful condition that takes far too many precious Great Danes. In fact when mine got it, based on what I had researched on the topic, I was not initially sure that was what was happening.

She was so very stoic and so strong. Many would pace, whimper, whine, froth at the mouth and my girl appeared only to be strangely trying to tell me something and appeared to be in some discomfort but did not appear to be in the enormous pain and dread that usually accompanies dogs with the misfortune of contracting this horrible condition.

She was always trying to take care of me even if she had things she needed although I did my very best to make sure her needs were met before mine. In some aspect, I suspect part of her taking care of me was her trying to not alarm me or cause me to worry about her. I certainly did not mind worrying about her because you worry about those you love because you care about them so very much.

I was attempting to process the transition of my beautiful dog only because I had no choice but to accept the unacceptable. I could not come to terms with it and felt as though I had been gutted. I lost interest in anything and everything else in my life and then I saw someone on Facebook who had lost a pet and I saw their video that they uploaded. The pet spirit is a lower frequency than a human spirit so though they can allegedly be creative, a lot of times, they apparently manifest in the form of orbs.

One night I was sleeping, and was jarred awake at around 4:30 AM from stomach acid. I went to the washroom and came back to bed. I remembered that woman and her post, and it made me think I should take a video of my surroundings.

You would never guess what I saw, or maybe you might, as some already have experience with this. I knew that if I just told people about it, there would be a lot of people questioning my mental stability, so I included the video proof of what I saw inside the bedroom where my Great Dane and I slept together. It did not occur anywhere else in the house, it only occurred where she and I slept together.

She and I traveled a lot together, so one night I decided to see if there was any such orb activity inside the van we spent the last 4 years in together, and sure enough, there was!

I look at this and some critics say there must be a logical reason for this happening. Perhaps it is only when we remain narrow minded that we fail to expand our consciousness and awareness. Perhaps it is true that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed. What would become of my beautiful dog's energy or essence or internal spark?

I know through experience that even though death is very powerful, even it cannot break the bonds of the almighty love of Great Dane. There is nothing like the love of a Great Dane and this proves that. I am humbled and honored to receive her love and loyalty and can only do my very best to model her and give her that same love and loyalty in return until the day I die.... and there-on-after. I owe her so very much and shall strive to pay her back and honor her.

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