Children Under Age Are Allegedly Involved in Drug Trafficking Networks

5 years ago

Padang- Underage children are suspected of being involved in drug dealer networks in the West Sumatra Regional Police law area.
      Currently the network of drug dealers involves underage children. Based on data from the Narcotics in 2018 there were dozens of underage children suspected of being involved in drug dealer networks.
  On average, it is suspected that they are involved in drug dealer networks aged 15-17 years. This is very sad the involvement of underage children in drug dealer networks.
    West Sumatra Police Directorate of Narcotics on 11 January 2019 revealed drug cases allegedly involving underage children // The perpetrators were secured initials RM (17) residents of Seberang Padang, Padang City // The perpetrators were secured in the Astratek area, from the hands of suspects the officers secured evidence of sabu weighing 3, 96 grams.
    In addition to arresting perpetrators of underage children, also arrested four alleged perpetrators of drug dealer networks at the same time on January 17, 2019.
    Four perpetrators were arrested in several areas of the Padang City jurisdiction. They were arrested with the initials JM with evidence of two packages being methamphetamine weighing 30.41 grams. Furthermore, the perpetrators with initials RP and JP with possession of marijuana weighing 1 kilogram. This RP and JP are brother and sister. Finally, the perpetrator had the initials FA, evidence of 1 packet of shabu weighing 5.24 grams.
     The five drug suspects were snared by the Narcotics Act Number 35 of 2009. Article that says 114 verses (2) junto 112 verses (2) threats of imprisonment 5 to 20 years in prison.

Inserat: Director of the West Sumatra Regional Police Narcotics Rescue, Komisaris Besar Polisi Ma'mun.

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