When To Cut Toxic Family Members From Your Life

5 years ago

Cut toxic family members out of your life when these things occur. An abusive relationship is a dangerous and toxic one. Not only can it affect your mental health, but it can isolate you from the people you love and severely affect the way you look at relationships in the future. It is best to watch for red flags and spot the warning signs before getting too deep into an abusive relationship with a family member. The victims in abusive relationships are often ashamed or embarrassed and do not tell anyone, but it is important to be able to recognize the signs and cut this type of person out of your life before it is too late .

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5. When it affects other areas of your life: 0:09
4. When it gives you negative feelings: 0:52
3. When it starts to affect your health: 1:54
2. When the relationship has become one-sided: 2:50
1. When it becomes abusive: 4:52


5. When it affects other areas of your life: A toxic relationship that impacts other essential areas of your life is a clear sign that it is time to cut them off. When the stress from the relationship impacts other areas of your life such as at work and at home then it’s time to cut things off. A relationship or friendship with someone should be one that allows you to grow and makes you happy. It should be one that helps you strive in your life and your career, giving you the motivation to succeed. A relationship that hinders this and affects your performance at work or other aspects of your life is one that should be abandoned immediately.

4. When it gives you negative feelings: Clinical psychiatrist Mark Goulston says that if a person constantly creates a negative feeling within you just upon mention then it is time to get rid of that person. If the thought of the person makes you sick, or if a simple text, email or voicemail from them puts a giant knot in your stomach, it’s a huge clue that you should cut them off. And when you are constantly around someone who is negative and makes you feel negative thoughts, it will start affecting how you feel about yourself, and will drain away all the positivity you have in your life. This will start affecting your relationships with other people as well as your overall mindset and mental health.

3. When it starts to affect your health: Keeping an ongoing relationship with a toxic family member can be detrimental to one’s health. Stressful relationships, whether they are relationships with friends, family members, or significant others can increase the risk of high blood pressure, weaken a person’s immune system, and cause headaches and stomach problems. Stressful relationships can also lead to sleep problems, lower a person’s self-esteem, and cause depression and anxiety. This is why cutting off certain toxic family members can be better for a person’s overall health.

2. When the relationship has become one-sided: If a relationship is one-sided then it might be time to leave. This is never a good sign and is something you should pick up on sooner rather than later. If the relationship is constantly about one person whether they be feelings, decisions or money then it might be time to leave. For instance, if a family member is always borrowing money or is constantly needing money then it might be time to cut them off. When a relationship, whether it is a partner, friend, or family member, is all about the other person, it is time to consider cutting ties. This is a red flag because it shows that the other person cares more about his or her well being than yours. This is selfish and can have a negative impact on the way you think about yourself as well as the way the other person treats you.

1. When it becomes abusive: Sherrie Campbell, a psychologist from California, says that one of the first signs that you should cut off a family member is when it becomes abusive. Whether the abuse is mentally, physically, sexually, verbally or emotionally, it’s time to cut that person off. Relationships which are based off of manipulation and are built off of anxiety are extremely toxic. Never knowing or being able to predict how situations are going to turn out with this toxic person are signs that it is time to let go.

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