Golden Retriever Preciously Babysits Baby Girl

5 years ago

Dogs are adorable. They’re furry and cuddly and full of so much love, but they’re not perfect. Dogs are capable of doing things out of their character just like humans. The first, and perhaps most important, the result is that overall pet owners tend to laugh more frequently than individuals who are not living with companion animals. And why is that you ask? Because they always find themselves in a funny situation or they make something that makes us laugh! So what is it that dogs are doing which makes us laugh? Here is one hilarious video of a dog who runs as fast as lightning! It made us laugh so much we hope it will make you laugh too!

Faithful, kind, affectionate, loyal - all these complementary characteristics apply to dogs that know their owners, like no other. Imagine what kind of secrets your beloved furry amigo could tell about you, if only it could talk.

Dogs are absolutely amazing. They remind us of smaller and hairier versions of humans that love nothing more than to have fun. It seems like we can never get enough of the pupper awesomeness. They keep us at our toes with their antics and melt us into puddles of mush when they turn on their charm. They are like our furry offspring that likes to wake us up early in the morning to go potty but we don’t mind because they are adorable.

Dogs are indisputably the best kind of pets. Sure we love the other fluffsters, too, but they won’t ever love us back as half as much as dogs do. When it comes to dogs as pets, they are loyal to a fault. They would do anything for our love and attention and sometimes it just doesn’t seem like we truly understand the magnitude of their faith in us. They are the most loyal friends a man could ever want and we should appreciate them every waking hour we spend with them.

Here we have quite the case taking into consideration tat this big guy has learned the skills of becoming a legitimate baby sitter. All he need now is a diploma. We're sure he will have no problem getting one after we've seen this video. Take a look a and tell us what you think.

Innocent creatures are not so different after all! In this cute video a Golden Retriever and a 4 months baby girl preciously kiss each other. Adorable!

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