Adorable Snack Sharing Squirrels will Melt your Heart

5 years ago

Now that February is in full bloom so to say and we have passed Groundhog Day these little ground squirrels will be starting to come out very soon. With Punxsutawney Phil, the famous weather prognosticating Groundhog from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, suggesting we are in for an early spring, we can hope this is coming true. Although, here in southern British Columbia where these cute little ground squirrels live, the cold weather seems to continue on. With cold snaps and high wind warmings of over 50 mph, this is keeping the mercury low in the thermometer. Up in Manning Park, where these little ground squirrels inhabit, it will most likely stay cold a while longer as it is in the middle of the Hozameen Range of the Canadian Cascades Mountain Range. only a short drive from Vancouver's Lower mainland and Fraser Valley the park makes for a great day trip. Hiking and biking in the summer along with many lakes for boating and fishing. Come winter these ranges accumulate quite a lot of snow making the Manning Park ski resort very popular for skiers and boarders alike. Snow mobiling is also popular in this area. During the videographers trip to Manning Park to record the numerous friendly and cute ground squirrels, him and his wife learned a number of things. Most of the squirrels are very friendly but some are a little unsure of the giant creature trying to pet them. But as you will see in the footage this made for a life changing experience for a number of visitors to the park that day. Not only kids get to have fun! So cute.

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