8 Cute Animals & Pretty Plants That Can Actually Kill You

5 years ago

Here are the 8 potentially deadly things that only look innocent, but can actually kill you. There are many creatures and plants that exist which may appear harmless, sweet-tempered, or even beautiful from the exterior but in actuality are highly toxic and dangerous.

#DeadlyPlants #DangerousAnimals #DangerousThings


As a child, you’ve probably been warned not to touch anything that you don’t recognize. Your parents undoubtedly worried that your sense of wonder may put you in harm’s way. That fear isn’t entirely unfounded. We’ve compiled a list of eight creatures and plants that may look innocent – but don’t let them fool you. They can be highly dangerous at best, lethal at worst.

Fish: Well, this one is obviously a knowbrainer. Fish are pretty much harmless, and while you may want to go for the most obvious choice like a goldfish, why not get a little bit creative and step outside the box? According to Healthline, Siamese fighting fish, also known as Betta fish, are the easiest fish to raise. This is because they thrive in isolation and do not require filters, heaters, or chemicals.

Reptiles: Okay, we’re not talking about anacondas or giant, deadly reptiles. We’re talking about the friendly ones. Reptiles like tortoises are great to have as pets. Not only can they live for more than 50 years, but they're super calm and harmless. While some species of snakes make great pets as well, you should avoid constrictors (well, obviously). Another added bonus is that reptiles are non allergenic!

Rodents: Rodents like hamsters, guinea pigs, and gerbils are extremely easy to raise. They enjoy small living spaces and are very easy to care for. You might also be surprised to find out that rats also make great pets. Not only are they smart, but according to Healthline they enjoy human companionship. Just be careful that some small rodents - like hamsters, for example - may bite if they feel threatened.

Birds: birds are smart, social and fun. They require a lot of attention but are a pleasure to be around. Parakeets in particular are inexpensive and don't require much attention. If you've had pets before and have experience raising one, you can opt for a cockatiel or cockatoos, which require more attention than birds like parakeets or canaries.

Cats: Cats are independent, fluffy, and, well, just plain old cute! They require less attention and care than dogs, and are known to live very long lives. It is super important, of course, to make sure that before you get a kitten or a cat that it is comfortable around children - young children in particular, who have a tendency to grab and pinch animals.

Dogs: Well, this one is a no brainer. Of course, before considering getting a pet as a dog, you have to take into consideration whether you have children, whether the dog is well socialized and comfortable around people an children, and more. Dogs are also a huge responsibility to take on. They take a lot of time and commitment.They need to be housebroken, walked multiple times dailies, need love and attention, checkups, immunizations, and more. But anyone who has a og can probably tell you that it's well worth it! Some popular dog breeds include: labrador retrievers, boxers, beagles, and golden retrievers.

So all in all, there are all sorts of different pets that you can get that are safe for your family. And make sure that you avoid some of the things mentioned earlier in this video. You just never know when you might be faced with something that looks innocent, but could potentially be deadly!

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