Kid Rides Bike On Frozen Ice, Slips And Falls

5 years ago

We all know that snow is a common phenomenon in winter, many places often have snow. After the snow falls, it will have a certain effect on human travel. After the snowfall we can pedal the imported Terrain Bike but need to pay attention to safety. Because the road surface is easy to freeze, accidents are easy to happen. So when snow can ride? If so, what should be noted? Please see the specific tips for cycling when there is snow below.

Cycling when snow falls, the melting water from the snow will seep into the chain, the chain causes the loss of oil on the face, so it is necessary to clean the system in time, adding oil to the chain, otherwise it is easy to rust. Also, after the snow falls, the road surface will be very slippery, it is best not to drive quickly, so be aware of safety and give way to motor vehicles.

Cycling when it is snowing should not pump the tire too much, relieve it to stay at 2/3, enough to increase the friction on the road surface, avoid slippery Choose a car a little lower, try to reduce the height of the saddle, lower the center of gravity to drive safely.

Snowy surface on the road divides into dry snow, wet snow and ice. The least slippery is dry snow, but affects speed. I recommend choosing where the wet snow to go. Next, watch out for the metal manhole covers, because the snow on it will melt very quickly, but in the early morning or evening it will turn into ice, be careful.

Since the road surface is slippery, do not brake quickly, but must slow down or let the speed drop naturally.
When turning right, the speed must be reduced, the crabs widened slightly. Because the influence of centrifugal force if driving faster, it is easier to dump the car. So when turning, it is necessary to go slowly, especially slippery road sections.

If you want to ride a bike in the winter before you leave the house, you need to check the car, check for tires, brakes and other positions. No matter how sure you are, you should check back to avoid incidents. Moreover, the cold winter, when repairing, is also very labor intensive, and also affects the mood.

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