Dachshund Discovers Water Bottle, Can't Get Enough Of It

5 years ago

Pets are love and pets are life. Regardless of whether you like them or not, you can't deny the way that they put some rainbow sprinkles on your day, metaphorically. They always find a way to make us laugh, whether they do it on purpose or not.

Dogs love to play especially with something new and exciting. They know how to appreciate things, and they find entertainment even in the smallest things. Take a look at this incredible puppy and how she enjoys having fun with the water bottle that sprays water. She gets so excited when her owner sprays from the bottle. So adorable and so cute to look at!

Most pet owners keep spray water bottles on hand in order to discipline their pets – not to delight them. But when Nido the mini Dachshund was introduced to a spray bottle for the first time earlier this week, she could not contain her excitement. Nido, the mini dachshund, has discovered a water bottle. Watch his little feet tap as he waits for another spray!

It’s really amazing how dogs can get excited from just about everything, and that makes us love them even more. Unique, exciting, beautiful, and brave, the Dachshund is related to a terrier in his demands to be in on everything. They are amazing, comical, entertaining, loyal, and also they are family dogs that will love their families with all their heart.

Dachshunds are commonly known as the ‘hot dog,’ because of their long skinny bodies, and tiny legs attached to the floor. Don’t you think they are adorable? Remember when something as simple as a water bottle could entertain you? Neither do we, but this amazingly energetic dog sure seems to enjoy it! We always enjoy watching videos of dogs, because they always us makes us laugh and they’re always full of joy and happiness!
Because we know you find Dachshund puppies cute as much as we do, so we wanted to share another video with you.

This skateboarding dachshund puppy shows off impressive skills in Paris square and it’s really fascinating! It seems that this doggo is a puppet prodigy. By the looks of it, Dachshund Puppy could spend all day in this skate park practicing her skateboarding skills. She's having the time of her life! Ever see a dog skate like that? Probably not. She’s even a better skater than many humans we know, and that’s saying a thing.

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