Lazy Bulldog Does Not Want To Go For A Walk

5 years ago

If you say to your dog right now “Let’s go out for a walk,” he/she would go crazy in the same second jumping and running around the house waiting for you to go on an adventure. They love walks because of it their time to explore, see new times, and of course spend time with you.

However, not all dogs love to spend their precious walking in the park or lose their time exercising when they can that time taking naps in their soft beds. Just like this cute and lazy Bulldog. His name is Ozzie, and sometimes Ozzie just isn’t in the mood for walks. Hysterical!

Well, why go out when he can stay at home and just enjoy time with his owner giving him a massage? The Bulldogs are not only exceptional dogs in appearance; they may have an even more charming personality. The Bulldogs’ character can be portrayed as kind, friendly, relaxed, balanced, sympathetic, headstrong, independent and persevering.

We think that their kind and friendly nature mostly determine their character. It doesn’t matter what you call it, but Bulldogs have an unusual way of life where the motto is; relax, chill and a ‘no worries mentality “.

Some people will call Bulldogs lazy; however, they are brilliant dogs, so they are not lazy; they are just using their energy very thoughtfully. If bulldogs feel like it, they will go for the full 100%, and they are one big ball of energy. However, most of the time, they don’t have the will. Lazy or not these goofballs are unbelievable pets, and every owner would be lucky to have them in their household. Would you consider having a Bulldog as a pet?

Okay, we are going back to Ozzie again. We mentioned that he doesn’t like walks; however, when he is forced to go on one, he has a friend that loves to take walks with him. This neighborhood cat greets him during his walk and they are really adorable!

Ozzie, the bulldog, has some serious mojo. He exudes confidence and power, yet is the perfect gentleman, and that’s what cats really like. When Ozzie comes out to play, he makes every cat’s day!

Ozzie must have that sense of community that gives meaning to his life; a feeling of security and belonging. His handler even knows the cats by name. Did Ozzie and the neighborhood cats grow up together?

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