Sweet Little Girl Gives Inspirational Advice

5 years ago

If you are feeling a bit lost about certain aspects of your life or even if you are not and just need some inspiration take a moment and watch videos of this Sweet little girl’s videos named Ar’miah, it is sure to brighten your day.

Her explanation is loveable! You can clearly see from this clip, her mom has taught her well. This is one inspirational video that you are not going to want to miss!
Children with disabilities can face multiple forms of exclusion, often limiting their participation in their community.

It can also mean they do not go to school or that they are not given the support that they need. Armiah is the inspiring example of a little disabled girl, who is pursuing their talent despite coping with challenging disabilities.

Ar’miah is a very intelligent, resilient, innovative, beautiful, six-year-old child. Armiah has been diagnosed with vision impaired, Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, Myopia, Nystagmus, and Growth hormone deficiency at the Age of six months. Ar’miah love to have fun, learn, teach, spend time with her family, Pray, make beats, and so much more. While you watching Armiah Videos you will see Gods Work, Her family Love for her, and my patients. Ar’miah is a child who believes in God and knows anything is possible when it comes to God. Keep pushing! Never give up.

Armiah has been diagnosed with vision impaired, Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, Myopia, Nystagmus, and Growth hormone deficiency. Optical nerve hypoplasia is a medical state arising from the underdevelopment of the optical nerves. This situation is the most common congenital optical nerve anomaly. The optical disc develops abnormally small because not all the optical nerve axons have developed normally. Children diagnosed with ONH generally present with vision Impaired/blind and Vision problems which include nystagmus (involuntary movement of the eyes).

So you ask if Armiah Glasses help? yes, it does her glasses helps the little vision she has they also help with her Nystagmus.
You ask why does she have a cane? Her cane helps with what she cannot see.
You ask can she have surgery? You cannot have surgery on your nerves.
People around the internet adore this little princess. She walks by faith and not by sight. She motivates and inspires us every day to say my prayers and never give up. Ar’miah is a true light in this world. This princess is so talented! Do not dishearten her ABILITY.

She can read, she can count money, she can make music, and she can also do nails (check out her page to see it) Ar’miah is so amazing at 6 years old she is so inspirational to many, including myself. Special shout out to her mommy as well, she created this angel and is sharing her talents with the world. Her mom is always so positive and I love her energy.

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