Wild turkey seems annoyed with camera on his morning walking trail

5 years ago

While out for a morning walk in Sault St. Marie, Ontario, you are likely to see all sorts of wildlife that is also out for a stroll. It's an area full of true wilderness and the animal life is abundant. Bears, moose, deer, and birds of all kinds seem to be everywhere.

As this huge male turkey made his way along a trail in the woods, it was clear that he wasn't afraid of much. The camera was left on the ground in his path and he was given room to pass. But instead of simply walking by, he stared at the camera and seemed to recognize that it was something unusual.

This large Tom decided to issue a challenge and he spread out his tail feathers and let out a few gobbles. At this time of year, male turkeys are thinking of food, finding a mate, and chasing other males from their territory. It's difficult to know exactly what he was saying, but it seems pretty obvious that he doesn't approve of a camera in his way.

Large male turkeys are understandably brave. Equipped with large spurs on their feet, they are capable fighters. They are also surprisingly fast runners for such large birds. Weighing upwards of thirty pounds, you wouldn't expect them to be so agile. They are even capable flyers, although they prefer to run or walk away from danger. It's no wonder that this big fellow is strutting like he is. Not many predators pose a serious threat.

The turkey is also very curious and he may just be approaching the camera to see what it is all about. There will very likely be a flock of hens nearby and he wants to make sure that nothing interferes with his status with his ladies.

Either way, this turkey is quite a sight!

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