Amazing Rhinos Just Want To Cuddle

5 years ago

Forget curling up with a cat or pups, the most astonishing thing in the world is cuddling with orphaned baby rhinos. The Adorable video of baby Rhinos has a great time cuddling with Rhino Orphanage Park Manager Jamie Traynor. Cuteness overload!

There is almost nothing more tragic in South Africa's battle against rhino poaching than seeing a newborn pachyderm standing watch over its dead parent, crying. Many times the rhino babies, too young to persevere on their own, are also doomed; others are rescued their fate unknown.

But now, there is a facility center in South Africa where these baby rhinos are, fed, cared for and finally released to the wild.

There are an estimated 25,000 white rhino and 6,000 black rhino left in Africa. South Africa has by far the highest population of all African countries, being home to almost 85 percent of all African white rhino. So the current estimated population for South Africa is about 20,000 white rhino and just under 2,500 black rhino.

The Rhino Orphanage is the world's first Non-Profit Organization dedicated to the rehabilitation and care of rhino calves orphaned by poaching. Orphanage center cares for injured and orphaned baby rhinos with the only aim of releasing them back into the wild. The shelter is located in Limpopo Province, South Africa, of which the exact location cannot be given due to safety reasons.

It was founded as the result of a lack of a specialized park for rearing baby rhinos who have been orphaned as a consequence of the poaching disaster which feeds the unlawful trade in horns.

Park Manager Jamie Traynor said: “These 3 rhinos in video arrived at orphanage center last year after their parents were killed by poachers for their horns.

“They have all had very different journeys since their addition but they now have formed a very friendly bond with each other which will help them proceed with their recovery.

” When the orphans rhinos at our facility are very young we become their surrogate mothers which include milk feeds every few hours, sleeping by their side and accompanying them out for walks in the bush.

“The baby rhinos become very happy with us during their rehabilitation but the human meeting is also very strictly regulated to ensure that the baby rhinos can be released when they are ready.”

Rhino Orphanage has been established as a not‐for‐profit charity (Section 21 Company in South Africa) with all donations going directly to fund the center and the care and rehabilitation of the baby rhinos.

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