Swim with humpback whales and hear its singing

4 years ago

Humpback whales are a baleen whale. A large whale, it is 12–16 meters (39–52 ft) long and weighs about 30-36 tons. Humpback whales have a special body shape, unusually long pectoral fins and head with u. It is an acrobatic animal, often rising to the surface. Males create complex songs, lasting 10 to 20 minutes and are repeated for hours at a time. The purpose of the song is unclear, although it appears to have an important role in mating. This species is found in oceans and oceans around the world, humpback whales often travel up to 25,000 kilometers (16,000 mi) each year. Humpback whales eat only in the polar regions in the summer and migrate to tropical and subtropical waters for mating and breeding in the winter. In the winter, humpback whales fast and drain the stored fat. The diet of humpback whales includes molluscs and fish.

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